Lucky 3 Leaf Mutant ?


Well-Known Member
Hey folks, has anyone had one of these 3 leaf seedlings before ?
she is an S1 of afghani 1
i did a quick search some said it could be a couple of different types of mutation
but i couldn't find any pics or examples anyone got any ideas ? :eyesmoke:

peace :bigjoint:


Active Member
Tri-noded plants happen sometimes. Unfortunately they often have the flat stem genetic problem too. The stem becomes flat, and stops elongating, but keeps growing... all out of the same point.


Well-Known Member
Tri-noded plants happen sometimes. Unfortunately they often have the flat stem genetic problem too. The stem becomes flat, and stops elongating, but keeps growing... all out of the same point.
yeh i have read it could be a problem, but also it could produce a larger plant, ill keep a close eye on it :)


Active Member
The branches who don't turn flat stemmed: will look AMAZING and be HUGE.

The flat stem branches should be removed immediately, because they won't produce much of anything of what you're looking for, but make a really interesting oddity.


Well-Known Member
blackjack2.jpgblackjack.jpgI have an auto black jack from sweet seeds growing right now that displayed the same characteristics. She's freaking huge for an auto - 5 weeks old


Well-Known Member
Thanks pablinight that seems to be what it is, mixed results out there, i guess ill have to wait n see .. thanks m8 :)


Well-Known Member
Before you could buy, I grew tons of bag seed and have seen this many times,we used to call them tri-foils. I never noticed any advantage or disadvantage from the mutation. But we grew alot of plants outdoors and didnt pay much attention to plant growth patterns,only to killing males and toting

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
my autoflowering cross i just made has shown this tendency, i got 5 triple leafs out of around 30 seeds, its weird and the parent autoflower had this trait. i think it helps them grow strong as a seedling.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Skip to 1:24 and you can see 2 new seedlings with "whorled phyllotaxy" and i got another 2.

also like to note, of the seedstock i have that made ALOT of seedlings with this trait, they tend to take a long time to germinate and when they do they have a harder time popping off the seed casing because they are stuff with the 3 coty's. i thought they were bunk seeds when a few of my earlier seedlings couldn't even get their heads out of their hats, peeled the seedcasing off and bam, super strong vigorous growth explosion hyperbole.


Well-Known Member
you wanna see a 3 leaf plant im growing right now?

shes really been fattening up, super frosty


Active Member
Hey that is pretty cool man, I hope that it turns out really good for you.

I have had one plant do this and so far it is fine. Im waiting to see though if it has any problems.
