Lucky Lady's Grow Journal


Active Member
This is my second time growing but the last time a friend sent me clones to start with (wonderful Strawberry Spice) so this is my first time from seed. I started with five BlueBerry seeds of which three germinated. I put them in six inch pots with Miracle Grow Seed Starter Mix. They are under floros. My fan is broken and I will replace it very soon. I just started to germinate five Papaya seeds which I got from Nirvana (it is so cool how they send them!!!. I am hoping to get three females to flower.
I am concerned about the soil I am using and am afraid that I should be using something richer. I think I should have put the babies in smaller pots and then do a transplant. I will put the Papaya in paper cups once they germinate but am wondering what to do about the Blueberry plants? I know I will have to transplant them into better soil but I don't want to harm them.
I have pictures but I do not know how to get them to the size needed to post. Any suggestions as to how to make them smaller?


Active Member
They are on my desktop. I tried sending them to myself in a smaller version and then putting them back on the desktop and uploading them to the site. When I hit the attachment , nothing happened.


Well-Known Member
Well you can try rinsing the soil off the roots. I've done it & they survived. You need use lots of water & be very careful. Your going to loose a lot of roots but save as many as possible. I used a water hose with out a spray head and saturated the dirt, took my time and washed it away. You'll want to have your transplant pots standing to put your little ladies in as soon as your are finished. Do one at a time. They will be stunted for a few days but they should survive. Oh water them down with a superthrive mix after you have them in the new soil.

I know it sounds crazy but thats really the only way to get rid of bad soil. Good luck


Well-Known Member
to be honest, you should be fine in that soil, I wouldn't say it's the best and it could be worse. Have they sprouted, or are they still under? I guess that would help me answer your repotting question a lil better. But you could do as Mclovin says, assuming it has sprouted and has roots. And I agree with putting them in smaller cups, or pots to start. Just my opinion tho, and I have no science to back it up, just the way I prefer to do it.


Active Member
They are less than a week old. Should I wait til they get a bit of growth before disturbing them? I'll put the new ones in small cups.
I still can't upload my pics as they are too big!
Can anyone suggest a good soil and super thrive mix?


Well-Known Member
Honestly, you could take a good size scoop around the seedling, and scoop it up with a good chunk of that soil making sure to scoop out enough as to not hit or disturb the roots. You get what I'm saying? Then go ahead and pot that clod of dirt and seedling you scooped and and put it in your new soil mix. I use about a 50/50, maybe 60/40 Fox Farms Ocean's Forest Soil, and Perlite. I also use a product by Hydro Organics called rooter's mycorrhizae super pack. It's like water soluable granules. Hope that helps, don't be afraid these are strong lil weeds, they can take a beating and still come back strong. I use a generous 1/4 tsp of SuperThrive per gallon of Ph'd water.


Active Member
Where do you get Fox Farm Soil? I am in PA and have not been able to find it. I bought a patio mix but would like to go more organic.


Active Member
I germinated three of the papaya seeds as I don't want to work with more than six seedlings. The Blueberry plants are getting stronger everyday but still are babies.
I just replaced my fan and was wondering when I should start the fan on the Blueberry babies. I want stong stems but I don't want to do it to soon.
Also, I looked into ordering a better grade of soil but the shipping charge was $35.00 per bag so I think I am going to use a good patio blend i.e. Miracle Grow. Any help with this would be appreciated.


Active Member
After searching many stores, I found that Whole Foods has an excellent organic potting soil. I also ought their compost tea. I will post results as I see them.


Active Member
I found some great organic potting soil at Whole Foods along with compost tea. I am going to let the Blueberry plants gain some growth and then move them into this soil. I did learn my lesson and the Papaya are in cups.


Well-Known Member
I have a fan on my plants day 1. Here's where I get a lot of my supplies High Tech Garden Supply, they have pretty good prices & the shipping is quick.

Here's my soil mix
4 cubic feet of local organic soil
1 cup of blood meal 12-0-0
1 cup of bone meal 0-10-0
1 1/2 cup of aluminum sulphate - for sulphur(this will lower pH)
1 cup of dolomitic lime - calcium & magnesium + it helps stabilize the pH around 7 or so I've heard
1 TBS muriate of potash 0-0-60 I'll be replacing this with green sand next time.
1 tsp copperas - iron & a little more sulphur