Luckydogs 3rd Grow


Active Member
Well this is my third grow i started it about 5-6 weeks ago with 2 autoflowers a roadrunner and I can't remember the 2nd mostly because it a shit plant it never really grew right but the roadrunner looks great.I have the lights on a 18/6 as I am vegging a California Hashplant which I topped last night and 2 Special Queen No.1 which are only vegging 2 weeks now,I had a sweet deep grapefruit but it didn't grow since it sprouted so I pulled it
well here is a few pics of the girls more to come :-P



Active Member
I repotted both of the special queens and the topped Cali Hashplant is starting to branch now,I want to veg these till the Roadrunner is finished which should be in 3/4 weeks,Its a very bushy plant better than I expected but the other auto a Dinafem Haze auto is very stretchy and looks shit :cry:
On a happier note I received my Attitude order today another 5 Big Buddha Cheese and 5 Trainwreck with the 2 UFO's which are Dinafem Diesel and White Widow,then the TH seeds promo seeds 2 reg Heavy Duty Fruity,2 reg Darkstar,1 fem Kushage,SAGE and Burmese Kush my free G13 is a fem Sour AK :hump::hump:



Active Member
Just a question for anyone who grows autoflowers what is the correct week to start giving flowering food and when to give the boost PK 13/14


Active Member
Well RIU this is another update of my 3rd grow :leaf:
The Roadrunner is looking ok apart from yellowing of the lower leaves but I never worry too much about that,the Cali Hashplant is branching well after topping and now I'm wondering whether to keep topping to get a bush as I have a least another 4 or 5 weeks before both of the autos are done so i'm using the time to veg the others as much as I can but still want to keep them short.The 2 Special Queen don't look the best but time will tell.I might germ 1 or 2 of the freebies I got but will have to grow them in small pots due to space issues
Anyway here is pics of the girls,all comments welcome tell me what you think:weed:



Active Member
Well not much to update,just that both my Burmese Kush and Trainwreck have broken the soil:weed:,they will have a few weeks veg until the roadrunner and Haze Auto are finished I'm thinking at least another 3 weeks on the Roadrunner:sad: but more for the haze auto but its not looking that good anyway so I think i will just flip the lights when the roadrunner is finished and let the haze finish under 12/12
The Roadrunner is lookin like its gonna take longer than the 60-70 days anybody else grow it and how long did it take?
The Cali Hashplant got a good cutting over the last 2 weeks when I topped it and yesterday I cut the bottom branches off and I'm going to try clone these there is a pic of them below
And as for the Special Queen No 1 load of shite:fire: they seem very stunted but when I was germing these I noticed that the seeds were very small,smaller than any other I've seen,and deformed looking as in they were not formed properly.I will let them grow but just leave them in the pots they are in rather than put them in the big pots
Here's the pics of my ladies tell me what you think:bigjoint:



Active Member
Just a pic update :weed: the 5 little pots are 3 clones of the Cali Hashplant,a Trainwreck and the Burmese Kush.The bushy 1 is the Cali hashplant I'm thinking of topping it again ,Thoughts Anyone?
Also the first pic is the Haze Auto I bent the main stem the other day it was too close to the light



Active Member
Another update and I'm wondering about my roadrunner it seems to be yellowing rapidly I'm unsure what week its on could be week 7 or 8 :dunce:.did anyone else grow it ? and have links to it so I can compare them to mine:weed:
The Cali Hashplant is bushy and the clones seem to be rooting:clap: there is a pic of the Trainwreck and Burmese Kush,the Trainwreck is mighty stretchy
The 2 Special Queen are very slow 1 is better than the other so I pinched the top of the worst 1 to see what happens:shock:
Anyway I noticed nobody replies to this thread so it seems I'm typing to myself:cry: but I still do it anyway :-P



Active Member
Well just another update with some pics
I think the roadrunner is nearly there,the Cali Hashplant clones rooted ,the special Queen I pinched is a definite Fuck I missed didn't get the effect I was lookin for, just deformed leaves now no extra shoots :o
The Trainwreck is stretching like mad I will repot it next week,I need the roadrunner out for space so the sooner its finished the better
Anyway here is the pics Tell Me What You Think :-P


Ganja viewer

Well-Known Member
Lookin' good lucky! Don't cut them ladies short though. Them colas might just bulk up twice as nice in a week or two. Looks like them shade leaves are still nice and green right now which tells me you got some time yet....(not yellowing too much ) ie: "no rush"! Nice grow ...!


Active Member
Thanks Ganja ,they are a lot yellower than they actually look well a limey green actually,I was gonna leave it the week anyway


Active Member
Just some more pics of the girls :weed: I had a free house so I took the pics where they were is daylight so the true yellowing of the Roadrunner can be seen it was very deceiving in the glow of the HPS,anyway should it be yellowing so much?
Then there is the Haze auto which is going to take longer than the Roadrunner so I'm hoping the few buds on it are going to fill out.As you can see I put an elbow on her because she was getting too tall for the closet so I gave her a non-fatal snap to the neck:bigjoint:
Well Thats the autos now for the veggies,as you can see the Cali has bushed out but I'm contemplating topping her again before I flower in 3/4 weeks or whenever the autos finish,so time to recover and veg a little more.What would you do?:?Her clones are doing ok well 2 of them anyway
And as for the 2 Special Queen No1 as you will notice 1 looks great and the other is fucked because I attempted a FIM but I missed:clap:
And then the 2 little babies of the bunch the Trainwreck and Burmese Kush
As ever leaves whatever comments you have.



Active Member
Just some pictures of the girls i'm after taking,nothing much to say other than I pinched the deformed leaves on the special queen I tried to fim so its just topped now.
How long do you think I should leave the Roadrunner before I chop ? I was thinking a week today



Active Member
Well everybody I bet you have all been waiting for my update on tenterhooks:eyesmoke:
I made another thread the other day on whether or not I should chop the Roadrunner and I decided to partially chop it leaving the lower buds to finish longer:bigjoint:,now its cut the Haze auto was moved under the light to give the best chance of filling out although most of its leaves have withered and browned off but the main bud is still a good size for a plant that didn't really have the best start but I'm still happy with it:weed:
Now for the vegging plants,the Cali Hashplant is bushy as fuck I'm thinking I should have topped it again but I'm going leave it,the 2 clones took and I repotted them they look happy but I'm gonna give them away not enough space in my grow area:cry:
The 2 Special Queen no.1 are doing well there is a pic below of them side by side 1 I topped 1 I didn't but I'm thinking I'm going to have to as I can see it stretching like crazy when I flip the lights but I'm still deciding on this 1 :dunce:
Then there is the Trainwreck and the Burmese Kush,the latter I repotted into a 4 inch pot last week and the Trainwreck I repotted into 1 of the big square pots as it stretched alot and I wanted to bury the best part of the elongated stem so just the top growth is showing which leads me to ask a question about this:confused:
Does the buried part of said stem sprout roots or do the roots only grow out from original root ball ?
Now for the pics :weed::hump::weed:

9,10,11,12,20,29 Haze auto
4,16,26 Cali Hashplant
5,17,22 Cali Clones
1,3,13,14,23,27,31 Special Queen
2,6,8,18,24 Whats left of the Roadrunner
19,21 Trainwreck
7,28 Burmese Kush
15,25,30 Picture of my grow area

All Comments welcome :peace:

Forgot to add pics of the Roadrunner before I Chopped it here they are the last 8 pictures



Active Member
Well folks its been a week since the last update,the internet was down:cry: and had to wait for a new router then I finally got my Black Ops on the wii:hump: working so I've been busy killing time:fire:
Anyway I chopped and weighed the Roadrunner,I cut all the bud off the stems so only bud to grind and my final weight was 29 grams which I'm happy with and It taste good and smells awesome :weed:
The Haze Auto looks like it still has a bit to go I might leave the lights at 18/6 for another week but I would say I'm going flip sooner because the Cali Hashplant is going to be too big when it stretches:shock:,its vegging at least 5 weeks now which is the longest veg I've done
The cali clones look great I'll be giving 1 away if not the 2 and the Burmese Kush (BuKu) is Ok but the leaves look a little deformed:sad:,I will be repotting this tomorrow
The 2 Special Kush look good:weed: I'm going to leave them in the pots they are in,I still have more of these seeds so this sized plants will do for now
And finally for the 1 I was looking forward to the most The Trainwreck but sadly its doing poorly:cry: the leaves are going a lime green,I think it was shocked during the repotting the roots fell apart in my hand there wasn't a tight rootball so I hope it recovers I pinched the tip tonight to branch it, I still have more seeds so not so bad :-P
And now just a few pics:bigjoint:



Active Member
Its been nearly 2 weeks since my last post a lot has changed that jar full of weed in the last post is now empty:lol:,I chopped the Haze Auto 2 days ago and that is now drying.The smoke off the roadrunner was nice very fruity smell
Now l flipped the lights a week ago to 12/12 ,got rid of 1 of the Cali Hash clones and kept 1,whats flowering now is the big Cali hashplant and the clone,2 Special Queen No.1 ,1 topped,the Buku and the Trainwreck which is a wreck,I might just germ another 1 ,I'll gave it a few weeks to see if it picks up



Active Member
Well folks its been a few weeks:sleep: so here is the update:bigjoint:
Both the Special Queen No. 1 look great they are in the medium orange pots,The Cali hashplant looks awesome and its clone looks nice:leaf::weed:
Then the Burmese kush looks ok nothing special ,sadly I had to cull the trainwreck:-( cos' it looked shit but on a brighter note I have 1 vegging:-P its the small 1
Now for the pics



Active Member
Well its been nearly a month since my last post not alot to say other than when the fuck will my bitches be ready:mrgreen:
The Cali Hash and the Special Queen should be finished but they look like they need longer ,the BuKu looks shit
Anyway here are the much anticipated pics enjoybongsmilie

