Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)


Well-Known Member
it almost looks like those pics are doubled haha , but they are not, the plant is rotated 180 degrees in both pics ;) shes like perfect....hahaha


Well-Known Member
Damn man its only been a little over a week since my interwebs was cut off.... Damn Comcast. Anyhow. They look so fucking sweet dude. I've had my girls( down to 2 monsters) in flower for 2 weeks and they are little fuzzy fluffs all over lol I'll post pics tomorrow check em out


Well-Known Member
karma cant wait for those pics!
ouuuu that update yall been waiting for :D :D :D :D

DAY 70, 3rd day no water , 7th day of flowering - pruned & tied down today, no more yellow at all - all green :D , the only defeciency it has is nitrogen
im almost 100% positive on this one, and its goten better after last watering, i think 1 more with some nutes and shes good. ( i was thinkin of givin it , 1 more dose of the veg nutes to get that nitro, what u think ?? )

( its pretty much touching the side walls now ) .. thats 14inches haha , height we are doing good so far ;) cant wait too see her spring back up in a few hours !

cheers boys and enjoy


Well-Known Member
Yes more nitro, shes getting close to double already. Just keep tying her the length of the box to make her stretch the long way and not side to side. Cant wait to see pistals :):):)


Well-Known Member
ya duuude i will for sure, look at the difference!!!!

DAY 61

DAY 70


today is now day 71 over here, cause its 12:20AM , she sprung right back up beautifully, ill ahve pictures when the lights come on :) around 130 pm :D


Well-Known Member
i got a nice big update for u guys :D

DAY 71, Day 8 of flowering (first day of the second week) :D - i will be watering around 6pm with veg nutes cal mag, and flower nutes. ( more pics then )

Difference from

Day 69

to DAY 71 (today)



Well-Known Member
well maybe that wasnt enough for u guys... no ones friken commenting ... im looking at the pics all alone :( ... here are some more!!!

DAY 71 - just watered with 1.25L 1/4 tsp cal mag, 1/5 tsp of grow big & 1/5 tsp of big bloom ... it should now have EVERYTHING it needss!!!!!!!
next watering will just be water and cal mag :)

enjoy :)


Well-Known Member
Looking good.
Do you think your getting through
the def? She is getting a bit yellow, but after
all you have been through Im confident you will
get her to come back around.


Well-Known Member
ya dude , shes powerin through it like a boss - doing really well. ill find some time for some pics for u guys today :) happy 420 boys, smoke till u drop


Well-Known Member
Happy 4:20 lil bro. She looks like shes about to take off again man and i really hope she picks up the pace a little. I have a good feeling about the next couple days for her. With those nutes you added like right at the perfect time i think shes gonna love you for it. I gotta work tonight which kinda sucks but i always have to work the crappy days it seems. I think i might roll one for after work though ;)


Well-Known Member
thanks duude!! just got home from work, just ripped 4 bowls lmao - i think the nutes were also given at a PRIME TIME!!! ill post some pictures in half hour or soo :) hopefully ur stil aroundd!


Well-Known Member
DAY 72, here it is boys , shes fucking already growing , big difference from yesterday, plus the nutes and water, her leaves are pointing straight up its beautiful, no more signs of yellowing AT ALL !!! whatever is there is there from before. .. better yet nothing wrong with it at all... its honestly perfect i think. and temps are 84F and 37%H
night time is 71F and 55%H


the angles and the flash really fuck with the lighting for u guys... i wish u could see her as green as i can.. ill maybe not use flash next time, and go in to a better lit room ;) also ninja. we needa skype up soon brother ! miss ya


Well-Known Member
DAY 73 :) - 10th day of flowering , pistils are alot more noticeable now :) , ill take a picture once i find some good ones for ya :) but they are everywhere !



Well-Known Member
Looking better and better my friend. I keep forgetting to put those pics up when my lights are on. I'll def post somepics after midnight when they wake up. WHats your dimensions of your plant so far. I showed my wife. She loves it. Wants to do a " bonzai" weed plant lol


Well-Known Member
Dont wrap it with bonzai wires for more than five days if theyre tight, but it works well for spreading it out. Damn luigi, my plants so heavy it cant hold itself up anymore. Its gettin so huge :):):)



Well-Known Member
Karma , dimensions are now over 14 inches wide ( leaves are bending on each end cause its touching the box lol ) and height from bottom of the bag to the tippy top probably around 14-16 inches

ninja, holy shit, she looks great tho!!!