Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)


Well-Known Member
I hope he found the serial number on the condom. Yoall know where it is right? What? Lol i guess you never had to roll it down that far huh? :):):)


Well-Known Member
LMFAO BOYS , omg WILD WEEKEND , my apologies no updates!! here we go right to the point

DAY 81 TOTAL DAYS , DAY 18 FLOWERING 3rd day no water - buds are coming along beautiful, height is going well too!!!

cheers guys :D


Well-Known Member
Gorgeous man. Are you still low nuteing her? I got this food that I've been trying and it seems to work better than the actual hydro notes I got


Well-Known Member
tanks dude, and im upping them a litle bit, but its still under par . i will be watering her tomorrow :)


Well-Known Member
also i took into consideration that last grow was under 24 hour lighting for veg, and this one on the other hand was 18/6 - maybe also better to keep on 24/0


Well-Known Member
DAY 83 total (its 1am now over here) DAY 20 of flowering

lights just shut off at 1am, been having trouble cause i had a few power outages , trying to figure my lights back .. so theyve been off half hour or so every now and then.. but it doesntl ook like thats effecting anything, also the buds are swelling up now and growing EVERYWHERE!!! like everywhere........ also, noticed a big stretch today.. gunna have to tie up my lights probably by the end of the week!!!! just watered it this morning aswell.. 1/3 tsp cal mag of 1.5L and 1/4tsp of fox farm big bloom :) next will be just cal mag and probably a trace of big bloom.

enjoy :)


Well-Known Member
Wow man, getting better everyday :) i like the way theyre developing. Lookin like theyll be fatter than last time for sure ;)