Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)


Well-Known Member
thanks alot dude, and temp will go up to about 84 or so maybe 86 since its getting warmer. with all 4 lights that is. and dude!!! i never deleted nothing, it looks like fucking rolitup deleted it or something :( idk ! im pissed that took so long to make!!! ugh , if u want i could shoot u a few photos to show her :)


Well-Known Member
WOO alrightyy!!!! , So some updates first 3 pictures are from this morning things are going great. the other pictures are from tonight , like right now hahha :)

DAY 38, 1:15pm (TODAY)

DAY 38 , 10:45pm (NOW)

its so even on the top :)


LIGHTS ARE NOW IN!!! the girl is gunna wake up so happy tomorrow :) and hopefully she will sleep well.. here are some pictures of my secret layer ( this is for the people who have been anxiously following.. ill show you where it all takes place ;) here we goo

ENJOY :) comments please!!!!

Humidity is all fucked cause the door was left open while i was fixing my lights!!


Well-Known Member
UPDATE DAY 39 , 4:30pm - Room temp (92.6F) - all the lights , Humidity - 27%. (Temps i can probably get down to 89, and humidity up to around 36-38%) but im sure im ok for now.

heres some pics

enjoy :)


Well-Known Member
haha thanks man, and fuck idk how u keep leaving, ur the only one that appreciates my updates :(
I dont know why nobody else is subbed, you post pics almost everyday. Following makes me want to lst somthing just for the hell of it even though i have lots of room :) man i gotta say, watching your plants grow up on your first journal was so awsome. I was just on a thread earlier and somebody else was saying how watching them go seed to chop is cool, well it even cooler when the seeds over come hard times and finnish like champs. Im going to pm sunni and ask what happened to your pictures. I loved re reading that journal. Im friends with a couple mods so i should be able to find out, cant say i can get em back but i should get you an answer :):):)


Well-Known Member
I dont know why nobody else is subbed, you post pics almost everyday. Following makes me want to lst somthing just for the hell of it even though i have lots of room :) man i gotta say, watching your plants grow up on your first journal was so awsome. I was just on a thread earlier and somebody else was saying how watching them go seed to chop is cool, well it even cooler when the seeds over come hard times and finnish like champs. Im going to pm sunni and ask what happened to your pictures. I loved re reading that journal. Im friends with a couple mods so i should be able to find out, cant say i can get em back but i should get you an answer :):):)
dude, no worries they're missing out. people can be along the ride and watch and maybe even learn something for themselves. haha id love to see u make a little box like mine just for shits and giggles. (Tv show - grow box wars ) lmfao , and oh that would be awesome if u could find out.. all my pictures i uploadfrom photobucket. but they are all still online.. i havent deleted them or anything so i ahve no idea. let me know.. if anything . ill make a start to finish journal all in 1 or 2 posts tomorrow ( cause i have the day off ) .. that would be just for u cause uve helped me in everything and been along the road.. plus u wanted to show your momma so u could do so :) cheers brotha


Well-Known Member
dude, no worries they're missing out. people can be along the ride and watch and maybe even learn something for themselves. haha id love to see u make a little box like mine just for shits and giggles. (Tv show - grow box wars ) lmfao , and oh that would be awesome if u could find out.. all my pictures i uploadfrom photobucket. but they are all still online.. i havent deleted them or anything so i ahve no idea. let me know.. if anything . ill make a start to finish journal all in 1 or 2 posts tomorrow ( cause i have the day off ) .. that would be just for u cause uve helped me in everything and been along the road.. plus u wanted to show your momma so u could do so :) cheers brotha
At least people are replying yours :P mine are always like a desert island

and i recomend puush for your pics


Well-Known Member
hahaha wicked, im gunna do some cooking tonight, as i am back to work tomorrow! anyways, heres a lovely update - this morning i did some topping :) and a fresh watering. ( just water)
i think this girl is some sort of special needs lmao - it looks like its morphing shit. theres like 2 heads and 3 heads where there is supposed to be one. anyways i cut 4 tops ( the 4 main ones i have ) Ps. some of the discolourment of the leaves is because of that cal mag incident . i used it like 9 days ago or so but everything has been good since.

DAY 40 - 12:20PM

(before topping)

(after topping)

(before topping)

(after topping)

(before topping)

(after topping)

(side after topping)
shes soooo even! :)

enjoy comments please!!!!


Well-Known Member
Its getting scary bro, shes going to be big. I think you should repot her once more before flowering. I know you dont want to hear that but youll get on the top what you have room for on the bottom, know what i mean? She looked thirsty in the pics, droopy leaves. I had a dream lastnight that my girl was drooping real bad, i wanna check on her now :):):)


Well-Known Member
lmao, aw fuck ninja come on - u know thats not what i wanna hear... how the F am i gunna repot.. anything bigger and ill have no room for the plant :( i know what your saying tho.. fuck i wanna try and get 2 zips off this one dry. haha and hell yea i noticed this morning ( the new lights dry out the soil fast so ill have to prob water every 3 days now instead of every 5 :) . those arent dreams those are nightmares buddy , hope everythigns gravy


Well-Known Member
The only way im thinkin you could do it would be to get one of those bags with a bigger circumference and cut it to the same height. The roots want to grow more out than down anyway. If you want to get two oz your going to have to push it pretty hard bro. Gotta have twice as much roots thistime. :):):)


Well-Known Member
The only way im thinkin you could do it would be to get one of those bags with a bigger circumference and cut it to the same height. The roots want to grow more out than down anyway. If you want to get two oz your going to have to push it pretty hard bro. Gotta have twice as much roots thistime. :):):)
idk man that seems so dangerous