Lukios Secret Garden pt II

the 4x4 and the space monkey im gonna fill it with. under 640ish watts. Which ive just noticed look different spectrum...:confused: hmmm

oh n casey cuts for the 3x3

and the new new, which ive been neglecting but theyre looking alright.

Bodhis Cobra Lips are the biggest, cant wait for that one
Screen Shot 2018-08-31 at 19.43.58.png :weed:
dont blame ya man, im thinking about staggering my tents so its not all at once.

cheers T! ah yeah, here ya go. reminds me of @Prawn Connery wonder if its him?

oh yeah rockwool, its under the stairs! i do really wanna try the 6 inch cubes with the floraflex tops. seen massive yields from 6 inchers drip fed multiple times a day...its mad.
First time I've heard of 6" Rockwool and yields. Any posts you could suggest?
They use 6 inch cubes with flood and drain?
What’s going on in your garden @lukio?
Mine is starting to fill out :bigjoint:
Yo! soz, man - must of missed this! they drip feed i believe. im keen to try it

My gardens doin well, thanks. unfortunately recieved an email from my landlord and they wanna pop by in october to look at felling a tree in my proper garden...sooooooo i'm trying to put them off, otherwise im gonna have to get REALLY creative with 4 tents and a bunch of plants...stressing a bit.


Hows your jungle?
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So, it turns out im not only growin the herb
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Good or bad?

been heavy on the bennies, plant seems happy. dont know what to do...?
Class lol
Not sure if it's good
You must have got spores in the medium somehow?
Maybe remove them before they fire off more spores as they mature.
Might be edible, I Don't know.
I was over at mates earlier and he's got a viola growing out of his rockwool at base of plant!
Yo! soz, man - must of missed this! they drip feed i believe. im keen to try it

My gardens doin well, thanks. unfortunately recieved an email from my landlord and they wanna pop by in october to look at felling a tree in my proper garden...sooooooo i'm trying to put them off, otherwise im gonna have to get REALLY creative with 4 tents and a bunch of plants...stressing a bit.


Hows your jungle?

Man I had to deal with landlords in August. What a pain! My jungle is doing good. Had a driver on one of my 260 kits crap out. Other driver should be here tomorrow tho so only 3 or 4 days without it. Tonight the wife and I are planning on some heavy defoliation.

So, it turns out im not only growin the herb
View attachment 4201617

Good or bad?

been heavy on the bennies, plant seems happy. dont know what to do...?

Hey mate, had these grow a few times on my garden plants. Typically it happens when there is drainage issues with the pot, or when you overwater.

I wouldn't worry all that much, pretty sure this will not affect the overall plant health.
You can gently comb the top layer of the medium to try and remove the mushrooms or spray some h2o2 ( the 30% or higher ratio) 2-3 a week.

If it's not flowering yet and you are still concerned try to re-pot it after you combed and sprayed the medium.
Man I had to deal with landlords in August. What a pain! My jungle is doing good. Had a driver on one of my 260 kits crap out. Other driver should be here tomorrow tho so only 3 or 4 days without it. Tonight the wife and I are planning on some heavy defoliation.
Yeah its so annoying!

Good luck with the defol, dude. Bummer about the driver! Theyre normally pretty reliable huh. is it under warranty?

hey @dannykay thanks man! i think you're right (: ive probably been overwatering a lil bit so ill slow down a touch. drainage seems ok and she's drinking a lot.

Been reading up about em, it is Leucocoprinus birnbaumii and its apparently pretty common in house plants. harmless to a healthy plant. mildly poisonous to consume @Moflow and real bad for cats and dogs. i felled the bigger one before it jizzed everywhere and ill probs remove the lil ones too.