Lukios Secret Garden pt II

I hope not pissed!
@lukio should know he only has to tell me one time (Maybe twice :) ) to not @ him or not post in his thread.
I've never dissed an OP that asked me to move on, especially in the LED section.
Thinking of asking what's up with the Doc in the covid thread If he doesn't respond soon, hopefully someone there will know what's up.
To the moon? Has it hit 20K yet? lol

i lold, im wearing bitcoin socks! from Mt Sox (hear about the Mt Gox hack?) great name for a bitcoin sock company.

Its not actually bitcoin, i fell down that hole in 2013.

how much do you follow the btc world? seen the s2f chart theory? I'll hoard til at least 2024
i lold, im wearing bitcoin socks! from Mt Sox (hear about the Mt Gox hack?) great name for a bitcoin sock company.

Its not actually bitcoin, i fell down that hole in 2013.

how much do you follow the btc world? seen the s2f chart theory? I'll hoard til at least 2024

Its funny, I remember reading posts about it years back. Like 2009 somewhere. Then one day in mid 2017?, youtube threw a Toni Vays suggestion. And before you know it was watching all the segwit saga unfold. Few months on those depressed prices started to pick up. That was a crazy ride for some. Remember watching the rise of bitconnectttttttt, and coming from a place where invading nigerians ran various scams on local small business owners was familiar with pyramid/ponzi type stuff, could see the trend. Its alarming how popular media can propogate shit. I remember the time Toni did a stream from his apartment, and there was an empty second wineglass. Leah? started appearing? What about that guy with the throne. Felt sorry for him when the moon did not come closer.

There is a lot of good and bad in the crypto world. I like publically open blockchains, think it would be a good way to monitor public sector/ government spending. Especially in third world countries. But think bitcoin is crap. Unless you use coin mixers of some kind you have no anonymity. If I was to do commerce with crypto I would probably be a monero man. And use bitcoin for spending or daily consumption.

Overall, feel uneasy. Things like tether have a massive hold and influence. If something goes wrong, the ripple can be felt throughout the various cryptos. The same factors that drive profit in mainstream banking and trading cross over into the crypto world, so you see similar patterns of manipulation. Lot of secret little clubs and big whales doing shit and trying to manipulate and accumulate. I do not like

But overall, love it. Like the stuff that has come up like blockstream satellite, and the guys doing work on lightning type networks. Just don't follow it much nowdays. Occasionally check coinmarketcap for prices. Need to get my satoshis off the exchange and into my physical hands. Will have to relearn how to generate a suitable address. So much still to learn.
oh boy! lol bitconeeeeect haha! a fool and his money...

I dont follow Tone or that Richard Heart and his throne, Heart is pushing HEX pretty hard, which is making him very rich. He's smart but he's sour and this is his revenge. The crypto community have disowned him

But think bitcoin is crap. Unless you use coin mixers of some kind you have no anonymity.
Not gonna lie, this triggers me. but then "you dont follow it" so...i'll fill ya in. Privacy is coming, google Shnoor and Taproot... Softfork this year i reckon. Plus i use Coinjoin via Wasabi wallet everyday...

There are literally so many developers always improving the code, its a constantly evolving behemoth. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Layer 2, lightning etc..its all happening but people dont dig enough, they just spout Tether and Bitconnecccctttt and its getting real old.

I havent heard an original argument against Bitcoin since 2014... its muhhh power, muhhhh privacy, mmuuuuh ponzi bitconnnecctttt.

Its the best performing asset of the last decade, and also YTD. Its a financial revolution and its loving all the chaos. Quantitive easing, negative rates and (almost) hyper inflation are all happening RIGHT NOW.

oh boy! lol bitconeeeeect haha! a fool and his money...

I dont follow Tone or that Richard Heart and his throne, Heart is pushing HEX pretty hard, which is making him very rich. He's smart but he's sour and this is his revenge. The crypto community have disowned him

Not gonna lie, this triggers me. but then "you dont follow it" so...i'll fill ya in. Privacy is coming, google Shnoor and Taproot... Softfork this year i reckon. Plus i use Coinjoin via Wasabi wallet everyday...

There are literally so many developers always improving the code, its a constantly evolving behemoth. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Layer 2, lightning etc..its all happening but people dont dig enough, they just spout Tether and Bitconnecccctttt and its getting real old.

I havent heard an original argument against Bitcoin since 2014... its muhhh power, muhhhh privacy, mmuuuuh ponzi bitconnnecctttt.

Its the best performing asset of the last decade, and also YTD. Its a financial revolution and its loving all the chaos. Quantitive easing, negative rates and (almost) hyper inflation are all happening RIGHT NOW.


My point with tether is that it is entrenched and a huge part/component of the exchange system. I remember when the asian exchanges constituted the majority of overall trading. (I dont look at figures recently) Chinese traders and miners were busy externalising into hard US cash. And "clever" Hong Kong based outfit coming up with tether. Western suckers give up their US $. Almost like some governments did with gold reserves, replacing gold with numbers on a ledger. Tether is most definitely a not a house built on solid foundations.

Trigger you. Not my intention. Problem is some people are not experienced enough to see bad stuff coming. Bitconnect had all the classic signs, and yet how much did the originators walk off with? How many poor fucks lost. How many in the community spoke out and tried to warn long before the exit? See my take on Tether above. If it smells like shit good chance it probably is.

Use crypto that is from the ground up anonymous? Less moving parts. Less that could be broken or compromised? Neither fear nor favour.

If you happy with using some companys wallet or some utility to mix and obfuscate your bitcoin transactions and holdings is entirely up to you. But to my mind that is putting some element of trust or control in anothers hand or giving out satoshis to pay for anonymity. Why? Why not take bitcoin for what it is. Schnorr signatures? People been talking about implimentation for years and years. If stuff can be implimented or incorporated, all good and well.

These currencies all have utilty. Just like tools. Use the right tool for the job. Whats wrong with that? Whats wrong with using a basket of cryptos?

I really dislike the fanboyism that seems to infect many in the crypto world. People are being manipulated. Use a wallet or and pay them to push your tx. Why? There are others out there with nodes. Putting control, influence and money back into the hands of a few. Seems to be an attempt to devolve back to fiat ways. Exact opposite of what its supposed to be about. More individuals should put up lightning nodes. Devolve.

Again, I love the many potentials crypto can hold or offer. Put my hands up for the devotees, developers and people innovating. I like the ideas.

Nawwww much worse!

The car salesman explosives guy is Roger Ver of Bcash? He actually blocked me on twitter, pahahaha! mans got no humour

Pretty sure throne man Hart had early start in with a car stereo warehouse/shop down in Florida, or something. Did he really get his bubble burst, or was it all a big old act? Ver and his cult. (Again pretty sure he was selling fireworks outside of the law, not big boy explosives.) Post anything on a medium that they control that does not tow the party line will get a block or ban from what I hear. So you said something on his twitter, lol. Fvkc Bcash, lol. Cults, followers and shady shit. Life is too short. Let me live in blissful ignorance. Maybe I'm a secret whale. lol.

Do you have a physical node of some form running? To me, this is the kind of thing it should be all about.
My point with tether is that it is entrenched and a huge part/component of the exchange system
Nobody seems to know the ins and outs...there was an audit of some variety...i wouldnt wanna vouch for it though.

Problem is some people are not experienced enough to see bad stuff coming.
this happens daily in every sector. there will always be people chasing easy money that get screwed, always.
How many in the community spoke
lots. its easier to organise a scam like this than to stop the greedy newbs falling for it.

Trigger you. Not my intention
yeah i know, man. im just hugely loyal to bitcoin and will fight its case every time, and its easy because 99% of people that argue it dont have a bloody clue whats actually going, just price.
But to my mind that is putting some element of trust or control in anothers hand or giving out satoshis to pay for anonymity.
i dont have to, right? i could just break the chain and swap to monero and back. the fees on wasabi are so minuscule its laughable, do some research on the people that code this stuff, privacy is a right theyre fighting for and i'll stand up for it.

Pretty sure throne man Hart had early start in with a car stereo warehouse/shop down in Florida
could be, he's a florida dude isnt he? Yah wasnt Ver shipping them cross county or somethin? seen some funny old photos of him.
So you said something on his twitter, lol.
yeah, i have a pretty big twitter account....he didnt like my opinions of his shitcoin and scam website fleecing noobs. i remember when he was one of the good guys...oh well.
wasabi huh? I will look at. You can broadcast your own tx, just need to be running a node. No wallet or third party. Do not know how long for it to get propagated though.
Yeah, routed through Tor.

nodes....i have a Casa node. confession...

...its in its box still...and i feel guilty about it.

Pi based? Nice. Plug it in! That would be interesting. I think about stuff but never do anything. Project that most interested me was the blockstream satellite node, and a means to broadcast tx's via sms. Possibly useful for places with internet limitations or censorship.

That wasabi link is very interesting. What hardware wallets do you use?
Pi based? Nice. Plug it in! That would be interesting. I think about stuff but never do anything. Project that most interested me was the blockstream satellite node, and a means to broadcast tx's via sms. Possibly useful for places with internet limitations or censorship.

That wasabi link is very interesting. What hardware wallets do you use?
it is indeed a Pi in disguise. im pretty sure Wasabi are working on full node implementation too. I use Ledger hardwallets but ive been looking at Coldcard options, beccause i have some of their Opendimes that are really cool

Get your sats off the exchange. not your keys, not your bitcoin.

The satellite didnt get enough attention! tis rather cool, and needed. i often wonder what Satoshi would think...i was reading the first posts of his and Hal Finney over at the other day, again. Its an amazing story.
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ooh nice. Never heard of the coldcard before. I read you on the advice. Its almost a mantra, if it isn't in your hands, yeah. Probably do paper wallet.

About the history. The intentions and principle behind it are attractive. I don't want to believe its Craig Wright. Greed kills good.

Just googled to make sure I spelt his name right. Wow, he got robbed. Even worse one of the addresses is linked to missing/stolen mt gox coin.
Even worse one of the addresses is linked to missing/stolen mt gox coin.

its been thoroughly entertaining watching it all fall apart for Faketoshi (:

There are some great twitter pages with all the latest court daily. the amount of details revealed about his life in the last 4, maybe 5 cases he's lost in a row... have been staggeringly hilarious. He's always been a compulsive liar. His story has so many holes it in its embarrassing...i hope he goes down for perjury and think theres a real chance he does. everyone is loving it apart from his side-chick Jimmy and sugar daddy, Calvin Ayre, which is also hilarious.

Theres never a dull day in crypto twitter.
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Hey lukio did you ever pop those more cowbell seeds? Would love to see what you can get out of them. I got lucky again and ended up with both females again. If you haven't, I wish you the same good fortune when you get around to them.