thank god about the gasman hey, had my fingers crossed for you over here in BC Canada!
Yo! Thanks dude

so weird to think people that far away are tuned in to lukios secret garden - cheers! Been a bit a bit slack recently but i'll try and pick it up again.
@Yodaweed...a troubled soul! i did start on him yesterday, but only because im so sick of him ruining the led section with bullshit. Months and months ago while he was being a dick elsewhere, i PM'd him -asking what his problem was, asked him to stop being a troll and it seemed to work. i followed him on insta and was supportive...but he stopped being cool and went back to trolling. So now i'll call him out every time i see it - i gave him a chance. I dont actually like having a go at someone but some people really get on my tits...I hope he has some mates, real ones.
There are so many massively intelligent people in this section of Rollitup, so clever they make my eyes water and brain melt! We dont need trolls ruining the education for others.
@ttystikk i appreciate you actually reading up and forming in your own opinion, most dont because they're lazy. I hope you continue to folllow and read up on the subject.
Dimon has divided his own people at JP Morgan, hes an old money guy with a lot of power. Its normal behaviour for someone in his position thats genuinely threatened by btc. Up to a point i'd do the same, we're both pretty stubborn!
The guy who took my cellphone payment the other day told me that he invested $500 in Bitcoin a few years ago and it's now worth $25K

happy for him!
My admittedly conservative opinion therefore is to get ahead of your investment now and stay there
sound advice! I started buying bitcoin sub $ no matter what i'll be okay

i've been a believer for so long i honestly dont think i can lose financially, but it was never about the money...its still isnt - it was about the power and freedom bitcoin allowed anybody anywhere in the world...the power to be your own bank and do your own things without the man breathing down your neck. Its still evolving, still opening doors and giving people opportunities they never had and will continue to do so. Its so much more than a store of value/currency.
Im obviously pretty passionate about this, its something ive believed in and watched grow for a long time now. This year has been surreal, everyone is talking about it

it feels like its all coming together....just talking about it with people like you and seeing/hearing random people getting involved everyday is something the early adopters have wanted since the beginning. The man have been trying to kill bitcoin from the start and yet it lives on, stronger than ever.
Satoshi Nakamoto in my opinion will go down in history as the man that gave the power back...whoever he is
I hope you keep digging, dude!