I'm not convinced by the whole flush thing. I'm starting to think it's a myth that's just been perpetuated through time. I'm pretty sure other types of crops aren't flushed, edibles or non-edibles. I don't think the buds get much nutrients stored in them, unlike leaves. Just my 2 cents worth :)
salt buildup occurs when you apply more minerals than the plant can use. the excess nutes remain in the soil and build up over time, requiring flushing.. the conventional way of growing with mineral nutes is to water to 20-30% runoff and flush for 1-2 weeks prior to harvest, which is necessary because people tend to use more nutrients than the plants actually require, so the soil needs to be regularly flushed via runoff to avoid salt buildup/nute burn and flushed at the end via plain water feeding and/or flushing agents to try to get a smooth smoke... personally I don't do it that way at all.. I just read my plants and feed lightly and give them exactly what they want and nothing more. I don't water to runoff, and I don't flush at all, not even pre-harvest.. and yet I get smooth-burning, super flavorful herb that burns to a nice fluffy white or light gray ash... go figure..

Sounds like a good method.
Just dont use cheap meters, i didnt even need to so that makes me double silly.

Been reading loads about hot coco and mag/cal - found a really great thread on icmag. Well worth a read if youre into coco, a lot of people are. The lower leaf temps from no led IR cause a mag/cal problem too.


Ive been battling this for ages.

Looking forward to the pics man (: be great to see what you've come up with.

@ttystikk how're things dude? hows the situation with law enforcement?
Never fucking ending...

But I'm not giving an inch.
I just bought a cheap Multimeter........obvs it won't get used on my plants, just electrics, which could only contribute to burning down my flat.....so it's all OK :o :D
I'll have a read of the coco thread at some point.......think I saw the thing about IR and leaf temps somewhere....makes sense. Hopefully your battle is close to being won (:
Did you see the ITV prog about the celebs on a US pot road trip? They were in @ttystikk 's part of the world as well as California. If you didn't catch it, it's worth a watch.......especially the bit where they od'd on brownies lmao

Yeah where you at @ttystikk ? Don't see you around much...hope all is well man.
Colorado. It's going as best it can under the circumstances.
Fingers crossed for you dude!
Remember that those who wield automatic weapons in the service of mass murder of citizens are 'confused', but those who grow a harmless medicinal plant in the privacy of their own homes are an imminent and existential threat to everything our society stands for!

America is fast becoming the new Nazi empire of the 21st century- and remember; we already rule the world. Fascists need to gin up enemies within in order to distract the masses from what's being done in their name elsewhere.
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When the plants are done just water them with boiling water which cuts all the nutrient intake to the plants, and starts "flushing" and curing the plants quicker.

I wen't through shit loads of @RM3 threads lately and got a lot of ideas to try.

Here You go.
Thanks for the info dude, much appreciated. It's interesting that a bunch of experienced growers can all agree that flushing is required....then someone else with a lot of experience says different. I think a lot of people underestimate the importance of a good curing process done over a prolonged period of time rather than say a few weeks.
Thanks for the info dude, much appreciated. It's interesting that a bunch of experienced growers can all agree that flushing is required....then someone else with a lot of experience says different. I think a lot of people underestimate the importance of a good curing process done over a prolonged period of time rather than say a few weeks.

Well i don't see much of a difference really. They did talk about medium flushing and plant flushing. I think his method cuts out the first part and goes straight to the part where plant starts to cannibalize itself.
I might give it a go in few weeks. Still thinking about it but I could do 3 plants with normal flush and 3 with boiling water and see if I feel any difference.
The flushing myth will never die, it is like all major debates, pro life vs pro choice, dem's vs repub's, christians vs atheists ,,,,, folks tend to be passionate about it one way or the other

Tis a shame things have evolved this way as there is so much more to learn with an open mind 8)
I do not flush perse, I reduce nutrient ec from week 6 to week 8. I have build up in my tanks so reducing nutrients helps clean out the tank. When I am finished there is always residue left in tank to clean out for next run.

I hang plants with roots attached upside down to dry. old trick I learned. Plants continues to ripen with roots attached, and extra resinous outcomes. Mega Crop recommends reducing nutrient levels in final weeks.

I heard of boiling rots as well. never tried that one
I do not flush perse, I reduce nutrient ec from week 6 to week 8. I have build up in my tanks so reducing nutrients helps clean out the tank. When I am finished there is always residue left in tank to clean out for next run.

I hang plants with roots attached upside down to dry. old trick I learned. Plants continues to ripen with roots attached, and extra resinous outcomes. Mega Crop recommends reducing nutrient levels in final weeks.

I heard of boiling rots as well. never tried that one

Tried hanging with soil and its a mess !!! Just kidding. Method makes good sense.