Lumatek 240v work on a 120v curent ?

im not to sure what the hell that means, but i am electronically retarted, i mean is small
enough to shove down my pants?:roll:
I suppose you could if your a big fat guy. Smallest roll is 50ft. Box is 1 foot square and 4 inches thick. About 21 lbs. You'll set off the alarm if the box isn't scanned.
Since we are on the subject... I always wanted to know if you do have a 240 circuit and say a 1000W HPS that runs on 240, will it be cheaper to run vs all the same running 120?
Wow grow and butter have some issues lol.Loud was far from insulting and you 2 flipped out .He asked a real question about why you got a 240.Simple answer was I didnt know it wouildnt work...done and over.Butterfly flips when loud makes a comment that the old ballasts maybe but the new ballast have 5 year warranties and are good with exteneded warranties availiable. gROWN UP RESPONSE.WELL i MUST HAVE HAD THE OLD ONES AS MINE HAVE ALWASY FAILED SO i DONT BELIEVE IN THEM ANYMORE..Now someone said $88 to rewire thats assuming your box isnt full and the wire to the box is rated high enough and your not gonna exceed max amp rating for the box.Thats also you doing it yourself not an electrician or your in the 3-500 range.If your not sure on electrical work dont do it yourself as its not worth the fire.Now you 2 calm down and breathe as its not that serious to respond politley to innocent questions geez.
W T F i wasnt even talking to you get a grip this is something i would expect out of my 16yo son if you own the company i do also own 7 lumatecs and yes they do give me new ones every time they burn out how many of your galaxys have you had to replace?
sorry guy i didnt know u thought i was attacking you but you obviously did. and why would you give a crap? what i thought about any given ballast? or what anyone thought for that matter? are u ok? baby steps jesus loves you

WOW far from insulted or feeling did i get smart ass, or ignorant? no!!!....maybe i should get ignorant with fragile ass. you having a 16 y/o son and getting all on the defense like that? wow...i wont even comment on that!!!!

i stated my opinion....dont like it? dont sign on a message board!!!!!!!!!