lunar eclipse time fools!


Well-Known Member
i caught a glimps or two through the clouds, its still white and seems about 4 fiths of the way black


Well-Known Member
my camera can only take really shitty pics, maybe if I tinkered with it more I could get it but meh.... I know there are some pro-photographers out there that will get it perfect.


Well-Known Member
its 76 degrees outside here lol but stil to many clouds ever few min I get a good look at it for about 15 seconds then back behind the clouds for another ten min lol


Well-Known Member
its about 30F here and there is only a LITTLE moon left ... its red then BRIGHT on the side ... im stoned


Well-Known Member
its gettin fuckin close man... I'm gettin amped up!

people say full moons drive people nuts, what about full and red :evil:

the hashshasher

Active Member
its also the first time an eclipse has been on the same day as the winter solstice in 400 years, and also its exactly 2 years from when the world is supposed to end in 2012... 12/21/2010... 12/21/2012