M.I. gamer's


Active Member
if you got steam,ps3, or crapbox leave your GT and list of games.

i have too many games to list.so if you want to bust some heads send me a friend request.i have all the latest major title's except MW3(you couldn't give me that piece of shit).i have BO(the best COD made to date) on all system's even wii but i never play it, it's my kid's.


Active Member
let's compare the two
ps3 launched with WIFI,HDMI,digital optical audio(love it with my surround sound system),lithium ion battery packed six axis controller's(pioneer's once again),blu ray(holds up to 50gb and is 10x scratch resistant),true exclusive's.it only has a 2% failure rate.web browser(love watching youtube on my 60in without having to hook up my laptop and have to get up every time i want to watch a new vid).free download content.they do not charge me to use my console!!!!universal laptop hard drive.it only costed 70 bucks to buy a 250gb HDD from best buy two year's ago.

xbox sued sega for the dreamcast reboxed it and ta da you have a crapbox.costed 400 dollar's at launch without HDMI, WIFI , or digital audio.it has a 23% failure rate because they pushed the release date trying to steal loyal sony customer's.it uses standard dvd's that dvd drive on the console eats up.every time you play your game your xbox scratches your disc,that's why they introduced the install feature.they make million's of dollar's shoving commercial's down your throat and then have the nerve to charge you for using your own console.the power brick is on the outside(loud as hell) and it still overheat's.they had to copy the ps3's cooling system to try and tame it.the hard drive is a laptop harddrive that they slap in a plastic molded case so you have to buy their product costing almost a dollar a GB.they have no exclusive's(i can buy them all on pc as well).


New Member
im going to get a new disc drive take the chip out put the chip on the new drive and flash it or have someone else do it. fuck it ill just mod it that wayi don't need to put a game in it.


Active Member
im going to get a new disc drive take the chip out put the chip on the new drive and flash it or have someone else do it. fuck it ill just mod it that wayi don't need to put a game in it.
can you flash the elite's motherboard? i thought you could only flash the first two motherboard's.


Active Member
you dont' need to flash the new drive everything will be on your old chip.you just need to swap the chips on the drives since it's keyed to your board.


New Member
really? I thought I had to flash the drive. are you saying all i have to do is put the chip on the new drive and im good to go?


Active Member
ya your key is on your board inside your drive,if you swap it and resolder it you do not have to flash it.flashing it is to get your key.


Well-Known Member
I owned an xbox 360 arcade model (sold) and I currently own a ps3 (latest streamlined model w/o shiny trim) and ps3 is hands down the better console. Xwhores charge you $40-60 /year just to use their online gaming service to utilize STANDARD online features in games in which you already paid $60 hard earned dollars for. G-damn blasphemy is what that shit is and they get away with it on and on and on b/c there's enough silly ass people out there to continue paying them. I always was embarassed to have friends over playing my 360 b/c A: the controllers sucked dick (bulky junk) but also B: the dvd drive made all sorts of ugly nasty sounds in the process of loading a game. All in all just a horrible console manufactured by a horrible company....my advice to folks seeking to purchase a console would be to splurge and spend the extra $50 to get a ps3. You will not be disappointed.

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
I would like to start by saying I only own a PS3, I refused to buy a piece of crap that failed over 50%. At release xbox had a failure rate of over 50%, remember the RRoD? With that being said PS3 isn't much better. Developers treat PS3 like a red-headed stepchild, since the majority of players are on xbox.

Skyrim was shipped to PS3 broken, after 30-40 hours the game would lag to the point of unplayable. A patch has been released that has slightly alleviated the problem, but did not fix it. All Bethesda PS3 ports suck, see Fallout 3, FO:NV. Or one could look at Battlefield 3, a game that is advertised as a tactical team game yet has a completely broken VoIP system. Works wonderful on xbox, on PS3 if more than 2 people have mics it's crazy choppy and noone can be heard. Over a month after release, not only has it not been fixed DICE has not even officially acknowledged the existence of the problem. If that problem was on Xbox, it would of been fixed before release or a day 1 patch. Almost all cross platform games get programmed on xbox or PC and then gets ported to the PS3. PS3 ports are usually poor quality.

Also Sony is a shitty corporation. Look how they handled the entire geohot situation. According to Sony even after you purchase a PS3, its still technically their's and you can't do what ever you want to it. I strongly disagree.

So my point is, both systems kind of suck. It's really time for the next generation of consoles. Also both corporations suck and don't give a shit about you and your gaming experience they just want your $$$.


Active Member
I would like to start by saying I only own a PS3, I refused to buy a piece of crap that failed over 50%. At release xbox had a failure rate of over 50%, remember the RRoD? With that being said PS3 isn't much better. Developers treat PS3 like a red-headed stepchild, since the majority of players are on xbox.

Skyrim was shipped to PS3 broken, after 30-40 hours the game would lag to the point of unplayable. A patch has been released that has slightly alleviated the problem, but did not fix it. All Bethesda PS3 ports suck, see Fallout 3, FO:NV. Or one could look at Battlefield 3, a game that is advertised as a tactical team game yet has a completely broken VoIP system. Works wonderful on xbox, on PS3 if more than 2 people have mics it's crazy choppy and noone can be heard. Over a month after release, not only has it not been fixed DICE has not even officially acknowledged the existence of the problem. If that problem was on Xbox, it would of been fixed before release or a day 1 patch. Almost all cross platform games get programmed on xbox or PC and then gets ported to the PS3. PS3 ports are usually poor quality.

Also Sony is a shitty corporation. Look how they handled the entire geohot situation. According to Sony even after you purchase a PS3, its still technically their's and you can't do what ever you want to it. I strongly disagree.

So my point is, both systems kind of suck. It's really time for the next generation of consoles. Also both corporations suck and don't give a shit about you and your gaming experience they just want your $$$.
i hate to burst your bubble but xbox has the same clauses on their software also.and they have sued many JTAGer's.i play battlefield 3 on ps3 and have no problem's with chatting.i alway's hear people bitching about ps3 voice but have owned one since launch and never have problem with chat unlike xbox where certain player's in the lobby can only hear a few people and the people they hear are the only ones that can hear them.playstation allow's free download content and xbox does not,that's why valve is moving toward's sony.portal has tons of user generated content that sony allow's to be brought to their console FREE of charge where the xbox will never allow it.


Well-Known Member
Xbox voice comm is much clearer than PS3's. Matter of fact PS3's voice comm for any game I've played has sucked ass.

Can't say anything else good about Xbox though,. their controllers suck ass, their pay to play sucks ass, ohh yeah and their controllers REALLY suck ass...


Active Member
i have 3 ps3's,got my first one the first week of launch and i have never had a prob with in game chatting NEVER.on the other hand i have problem's on xbox all the time with certain player's only being albe to hear certain player's or not being able to join parties is a regular problem we come across.the most reasons why people talk shit about ps3's network is because it does not have IN GAME PARTY chat.i think that if you are willing to pay 60 dollar's a year to chat with people you don't even know then you have no life.i don't ever chat with people who are not playing the same game i am.all of my real friend's know me and just hit me up on the cell i already pay 4.


New Member
so Im going to mod the hell out of my xbox I don't care if its not my tech ill do what I want with it. I dont play online anyway so fuck it. I wont even need to put a game in it when im done Ill have everything even ps3 games.


Active Member
so Im going to mod the hell out of my xbox I don't care if its not my tech ill do what I want with it. I dont play online anyway so fuck it. I wont even need to put a game in it when im done Ill have everything even ps3 games.
don't want to make you mad but that's impossible,well not impossible just impossible for you.i take it this is your first time modding a system?i have been modding my system's since the ps2.i have a hacked wii,psp,ps3,and crapbox.all of them hooked up to a 1.5TB HDD.i have an extensive backup collection.if you can dual boot into a ps3 operating system then you need to hook up with anonymous and start making a real difference.xbox hardware is no where strong enough to emulate it.i would be shocked if it could run dolphin.


New Member
I have a friend looking into it he had the chip out and on a new drive before I even told him you didn't have to flash it. hes got a wee that plays dvds so i think he knows what hes doing.I don't have time for that shit I bought another one from a guy for 40 bucks came with wifi 2 controllers 4 games including fallout nv. its a 60gb had it for over a week but haven't gotten around to playing it.


Active Member
LMFAO any monkey can download a softmod! the wii was a joke originally hacked with a pair of tweezer's to gain access to it's RAM.