M3rc3r's grows



Right Im Back....
and getting back on track after a few complications at the start of this year.
as some of you know i did a few grows indoor last year "2009"
but since then ive had to cease all operations due to complications...

im starting a new indoor grow as we speak, and i have a few other plans to add to this thread as it proceeds , im gonna stick it all onto one thread aswell,

i have some plans next year on doing a massive outdoor gueirilla grow,
im looking at at least 50 odd plants.. to start with, but going to add to them as an when i can,

but for now lets concetrate on this indoor grow im starting now.

its nothing special,

i purchased 20 seeds "big bang by g-h seeds"
and i also got one free.. a "Lemonator by n-g seeds"

i have germed them all, of witch i currently have had 15 of them sprout, they are now in rockwool, im still workin on the other 6 as we speak but 4 of them are showing no signs of life what so ever,

heres a few pictures for now

IMG00242-20100906-1334.jpg IMG00241-20100906-1333.jpg IMG00237-20100903-1405.jpg

im going to also be building a nft system for this grow...
so keep an eye out on this thread,


and ill be back soon


Active Member
the only thing i have ever tried is to just lightly scratch one side with a emmory board(a new one, the fine side) only tried it once but it worked on some hard seeds!!
Hope your grow is all that you wish for, with a tip ;) .
check out my thread and let me know what you think!!!


the only thing i have ever tried is to just lightly scratch one side with a emmory board(a new one, the fine side) only tried it once but it worked on some hard seeds!!
Hope your grow is all that you wish for, with a tip ;) .
check out my thread and let me know what you think!!!

will do brudda, post me a link to urs,

ill try that,,


im gonna do a diagram of my setup,, as im waiting for it to come in the post atm

tell me if u think its anygood


ok heres the layout

i may cycle the lights every day, no biggy for me reli, i have alot of time for the grow..

i may have the 600 w on the left one day then 400 400.

then 400 600 400

then 400 400 600

then bk to 600 400 400

if that makes sense, so they all get light equally,

do u think its a adiquate amount of light


ok im vegging my indoor plants atm, i have serious stretching on them cos i couldnt get my veg light in time >:( frikkin delivery drivers man >:(

but they are on the move now an growing, will update with pics asap


ok i got my grow tent now,
so the babys are all setup in there,
they are vegging under 120cm strip lights wich i managed to salvage from a abandoned warehouse,
they work perfect,

heres some pics,

and im going to be using this vent as a hot/smelly air out
kinda lucky to have it in the room right next to tent



Well-Known Member
Rockwool is a lot harder to germinate in then soil, so get a heating pad it helps your roots grow. Just put all the rockwool on a heating pad, you also need to soak in 5.8 ph water for 3 hours.