M3rc3r's grows


Well-Known Member
Man your shits growing fast than bitch, but the sprout i just got is like a rocket man already taller than my other seedling.


i jus put the ladies under the hps lights, an removed the strip light bulbs.

it aint gettin to hot in there but im gna get a few more fans, i need one for air in, and one to attatch to the light to keep it cool,

they are staying on 18 hours light for another week or so then im gonna hit 12/12 and watch these babys stink my house out a bit

pics up soon .. i used my phone to take a few but i have streaks across the picture.. so ill see what i can do ...

replys more then welcome ! x


my ladys are back under the strip lights atm, till i can sort an extra fan to use with the hps light, its generating alot of heat,

pics uploaded tomoro xx


okay.. heres some new pix

they are now in a vermiculite,course sand,shedded rockwool and enriched compost mix

still under the strip light



ok, today marks the week 3 milestone , i havnt been updating much . chek out the pictures. they aint great but im using a cellphone camera still atm, i havnt got the digital slr camera like i had last year (wich took hd images.. perfectly under the hps "without picture streaks" )

also im gonna post some more info on this grow under these pictures



if u look at the plants on the far right of the pictures, they are seriously drooping bad.. maybe i might of over watered them today.. i think i did tbh,

plus the soil isnt brilliant drainage wise.

but they are growig, i have compared them to pictures online of other big bangs @ week 3 and they seem to be similar in size, build and maturity,

i littlerally have only a few small hairs on them,, bud sites aint showing up at this point,

maybe another week and they might start partying

also one of my 400w hps bulbs blew wich i had to replace... but dusnt matter..

i have a carbon filter installed now as they fucking stink, auto spraying airfreshners in the room (vanilla) nice

a fan in, ocislating fan , and fan out - filter,

they are being fed , bloom nutes, boost nutes, and sillicon, in water .. left sitting for 24 hours so clorine evaporates

any feed back... let me know... any tips let me know... wish me luck.. let me know if u know why my plants are sagging

also i took of main fan leaves of most of the plants as to let light to the lower branches. they are still growing fine


RIGHT another update...

seems noones interested anyways, so like.. feel free to post lol

they are 4 weeks 3 days flowered... slowly but surely.. i wont yeild alot , first time doing soil, i may resort bk to hydro afta this grow

enjoy :leaf:
