MacGyver carbon filter? (DIY)


Well-Known Member
I got this activated carbon:

..and I'm trying to figure out how to best make a filter with it. I have seen using cups like this:

..and putting two together and the carbon in between, but of course finding the exact fit for your duct size is almost impossible. My duct is 6 inches wide, and I know a lot of you have made DIY carbon filters before so what are some good ideas? Anything and everything is good remember this is a MacGyver thread!


Well-Known Member
Use an new vacuum cleaner bag, make a pillow slam to duct, change 2x times per year .....done!


Well-Known Member
Use an new vacuum cleaner bag, make a pillow slam to duct, change 2x times per year .....done!
I don't quite get what you're saying. where does the carbon fit in? What do you mean by "make a pillow slam to duct"? Are you saying put the carbon in the vacuum bag and seal it on the end of the duct? That's a pretty good idea, but how to seal the bag on the duct? And it seem like that kind of bag would block a lot of air.


Well-Known Member
well good carbon filters cost 50+ USD am I right? I'm looking at less than 20. That's not really the issue per say, I just don't need a big ass rhino on the end of my duct. Maybe I should get a refillable Can filter and stick it in my duct, but I really don't think that's necessary. All I really need is something that will hold the activated carbon and attach to the duct and allow air flow.

Come on, I know a lot of people have used improvised carbon filters before, what's up!?


Well-Known Member
Im sure someone out there is making homemade fans out of a tin can and a hairdryer motor and another blowing hps bulbs from old coke bottles but seriously lets get a life and focus on growing pot.