Made up my mind.


Well-Known Member
After years of outdoor growing, i decided today to start a little indoor grow just so i have some smoke for a while and to learn more about nutes and shit like dat (I've previously outdoors just done organic pseudo "set it and forget it" grows.)

Anyways. I'm going to forge my box from 2 big rubbermaid totes, and mainly use CFL lighting. Later on towards flowering i might get an HPS if money comes my way.


1) What are the basic nutes i will need and how much will they run me - find a happy medium between quality and price please :hug:

2) How much are these items going to run me and suggestions on what brands, etc from personal experience.

- Carbon filter
- Exhaust and Intake Fans
- White lining (mylar i believe it is, and where can i purchase this?)
- Any other essential parts missing from my box

I got bomb seeds covered - I got some Lemon G and a strain i bred a few years ago i call Cap'n Crunch, I'm curious to see how the Cap'n will react in an indoor environment, I'm really excited for this time around!

All suggestions, comments and feedback appreciated and no, you may not know what my strain is made from, i'll tell you all later. :D




Well-Known Member
How many plants do you want to grow and how much cash you got to spend so we know more in what direction to think of.
With two boxes and you saying your rather tight on cash, a carbon filter will seem rather pricy for a little box, you can however, so i hear, build one yourself. But thats down the line anyways and nt your main concern for at least a few weeks.
As for lining, ither paint the inside white, but if that doesnt work because its plastic then look for the reflecting gift wrap they have at the dollar store, thats supposed to be almost as good as mylar. Could be tricky finding a way to put that into two plastic bins as well.
Your on the right track with CFLs on your space, get as many as you can, at least 4 25ish Watts to start it off. Youll want the CFLs that say "cool" or "white" or "daylight", these have the right spectrum for vegging. Youll need the "warm" or "daylight" bulbs for flowering. You can however add them in now with the blues as well seeing as youll need to buy them later anyway.
Ventilation is easy with a little wiring that even a child could do. If youve never wired anything before this would be lesson #1 because theres no real problems that can occur.
Here is a FAQ section on how to make the fans . Youll want a fan blowing air in and one blowing air out. Where you make the holes for fans is also important. For example make on lower down to blow cool air in and one on top blowing out the warm air from the lights.


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much man, i get about 130 dollars a week from this little rinky dink job, I'd be willing to shell out about ooo 70 bucks a week if not more?


Well-Known Member
And what i said about one intake and one outtake fan, i read in the FAQ that if you should use the fan to blow air out but not use one to blow in. With 2 fans make 3 holes and have both fans blow air out. I just changed my setup from one in and one out fan to three holes with two blowing out.


Well-Known Member
Ok, thanks alot man. Any suggestions on nutes, i actually plan to buy some lowryder#1 beans and I'm gonna try the Cap'n Crunch in there as well, they will both require the same dosage of nutes correct? I'm gonna go look this up around here for a while, but post what you think from personal experience.

Hmm...thats kind of odd, then how are the plants going to recieve co2 if you keep pushing the air out or will they get enough by just opening the lid to water them?

Once again thanks a ton man!


Well-Known Member please on the nute thing i'm about to start, i ordered Compact Fluorescent - 42 Watt - Cool White 2800k

Compact Fluorescent - 85 Watt - Warm White 3000k


Active Member
You can put a hole in the bottom section of the boxes and then put another one or two near the tops and just put fans in those tops holes. The negative pressure will suck in air through the bottom hole.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i'm good on all that stuff, i build computers and i have a pretty wide selection of fans at hand...but please some info on the nutes i will be needing

thanks and peace


Well-Known Member
Dont worry about the nutes, you wont need them yet. Im going to do my grow without any nutes unless they start showing any signs.


Well-Known Member
Oh cool man, theres a farm mill/hardware/botany supply shop a mile down the road so i can get anything if i need it, VV pm me we can keep check on each others progress, im about to start germinating now i just need to craft my box.


Well-Known Member
Tells us about the size of the space and number of plants you want to flower. Nutrients are the least of your worries now. Is this stealth ?


Well-Known Member
It is stealth. I'm using two rubbermaid totes stacked on top each other each tote has 7.1145 cubic feet so i'm looking at 14 cubic feet. how many plants could i do max?