Mag Defeciency with a few questions.


Ok, so our girls are about 4 weeks old right now and we are having issues on our first grow. We are growing Diesel Ryder, Cheese, and Trainwreck.. all from seed. They were all looking pretty healthy until this past Saturday (we were out of town and apparently we didn't give our girls enough H2O to make it until we got back). When we got home all the pots were dry and Trainwreck was looking wilted. We gave them all H2O and thought that's all they needed... WRONG! Since Saturday the leaves have been turning yellow/light green and are now developing rust spots, purple/red stems and canoeing. After searching all the forums I have come to believe that it is a Mag defeciency.

We tested our PH, solid 6.5 after flushing. We are using PH 7 rain water, FF nutes at 1/2 strength (every other water.. 2 to 3 days between watering), Black Gold Organic Soil, CFL Lighting (32,000 Lumens total), DIY CO2 jugs.

Yesterday we added Epsoma lime to the pots, watered with 1/2 strength nutes, as well as starting foliar feeding with 1 tsp of Epsom salt per gal of H2O.

It seems the reg plants aren't nearly as affected as our DR.

My question is could some of this yellowing be due to the DR flowering... it has only been flowering about 1 1/2 weeks?

Also how long does it take to start to see a difference in our babies?

Any response would be greatly appreciated by this nube! :weed:



Active Member
i am also a nub i've only got 4 grows under my belt...i would say not only filiar feed with the epsom salt but also put it into the feeding water...its good that you have added some lime because you mention no prior calcium sorce (not sure about the amount of calcium in rain water, and FF grow big and big bloom might not have much calcium as it is not labled)..but remember too much lime (calcium) will prevent absorption of other nutrients...also if you look at pictures of calcium deficiency it looks very similar to your would be something you should look at istead of seperate sources of calcium and magnesium like lime and epsom will give both calcium and magnesium and probably be more beneficial then adding lime and epsom salt seperatly IMO....

also to answer your question personally, i never had leaves turn yellow because of the early stages of flowering the leaves have stayed green up untill the plant is almost done so i personally don't believe that the flowering is causing this... and in general whenever i've had a problem its taken up to a week for my babies to go back to normal...i recently had a plant become wilted and it stopped growing... it looked like it was done for (it was only 2 weeks old)..i flushed it transplanted it in fresh soil and just left it alone for a few days (since i thought it was bascially fucked i just ignored it and left it in the corner for dead) surprisingly it came back to life... the old leaves didnt recover but the new ones were growing out fast and green...i'm starting to realize that when you have a plant problem its best to take action and then leave it alone for a few days..


i am also a nub i've only got 4 grows under my belt...i would say not only filiar feed with the epsom salt but also put it into the feeding water...its good that you have added some lime because you mention no prior calcium sorce (not sure about the amount of calcium in rain water, and FF grow big and big bloom might not have much calcium as it is not labled)..but remember too much lime (calcium) will prevent absorption of other nutrients...also if you look at pictures of calcium deficiency it looks very similar to your would be something you should look at istead of seperate sources of calcium and magnesium like lime and epsom will give both calcium and magnesium and probably be more beneficial then adding lime and epsom salt seperatly IMO....

also to answer your question personally, i never had leaves turn yellow because of the early stages of flowering the leaves have stayed green up untill the plant is almost done so i personally don't believe that the flowering is causing this... and in general whenever i've had a problem its taken up to a week for my babies to go back to normal...i recently had a plant become wilted and it stopped growing... it looked like it was done for (it was only 2 weeks old)..i flushed it transplanted it in fresh soil and just left it alone for a few days (since i thought it was bascially fucked i just ignored it and left it in the corner for dead) surprisingly it came back to life... the old leaves didnt recover but the new ones were growing out fast and green...i'm starting to realize that when you have a plant problem its best to take action and then leave it alone for a few days..

Cal/Mag is definitely on our list, but the local feed store didn't have any so the Epsoma Lime was the best substitute. It does have Cal and Mag...not sure if this isn't typical for Lime, but this one does.

BTW...It is so hard not to watch our babies since it is our first grow, but that is great advice to leave them be!


Ok... so this morning I checked my ph and it was at 8.0! Their leaves are not looking any better either... actually a little worse... :cuss:

Now I am not sure what to do... do I flush? They are still pretty moist and the last thing I need is to stress out my lil gals.

I guess we all learn from our mistakes but damn!


Active Member
Ok... so this morning I checked my ph and it was at 8.0! Their leaves are not looking any better either... actually a little worse... :cuss:

Now I am not sure what to do... do I flush? They are still pretty moist and the last thing I need is to stress out my lil gals.

I guess we all learn from our mistakes but damn!
It was the lime bro, that raised the PH so high..u have to be careful about adding to much, i bought some lime a few days ago and haven't even used it cuase i added some to a gallon of water and the PH shot way up so that scared me and since i don't know how to use the lime in water i didnt add any to water or my soil..i thougth lime was supposed to be bring soil to PH neutrality
but somehow it just made the ph shoot up...u have to get the PH lower try getting PH up or Down and flushing with the right PH water.....


Active Member
It was the lime bro, that raised the PH so high..u have to be careful about adding to much, i bought some lime a few days ago and haven't even used it cuase i added some to a gallon of water and the PH shot way up so that scared me and since i don't know how to use the lime in water i didnt add any to water or my soil..i thougth lime was supposed to be bring soil to PH neutrality
but somehow it just made the ph shoot up...u have to get the PH lower try getting PH up or Down and flushing with the right PH water.....
How are your plants making out? did you take care of your soil PH problem? did you solve the deficiency problem?


How are your plants making out? did you take care of your soil PH problem? did you solve the deficiency problem?

Yeah we did. We transplanted them, used some lime in the new soil and used some epsom salts with the feeding and they are doing great. They have a few more weeks to go, but here are some new pics.

