MAGA The ani-anifa therad.

Captain Penile- How do they treat you on the MI forum?? Hmmm??? No better? Really? Why is that? Because you know you're the running joke over there? You're "smart" so I have to assume you know this
Nice attempt at character assassination even though it's a failure. You would be much better off if you used actual quotes from me without changing words around. That way other users could fact check your work.
oh, shit. is penis doctor a flat earth, fake moon landing, shape-shifting reptilian jews did 9-11 wingnut?

how fucking embarrassing.
I'm a Jew. Thank you for your kind words, it says a lot about your character. Back to the thread. I have some more antifa mugshots. Any of them guys look familiar to you? upload_2017-5-31_18-46-35.jpeg upload_2017-5-31_18-51-46.jpeg
Hillary clinton's running mate, Tim kaine's son linwood kaine. Yup arrested as an antifa terrorist. His dad's a senator, so I'm sure he'll be out in no time to throw more glass bottles and smoke bombs.
Nice attempt at character assassination even though it's a failure. You would be much better off if you used actual quotes from me without changing words around. That way other users could fact check your work.
I'm a Jew. Thank you for your kind words it says a lot about you. Back to the thread. I have some more antifa mugshots.any of them guys look familiar to you? View attachment 3952356 View attachment 3952360
Hillary clinton's running mate, Tim kaine's son linwood kaine. Yup arrested as an antifa terrorist. His dad's a senator, so I'm sure he'll be out in no time to throw more glass bottles and smoke bombs.
Intelligence skipped a generation. Tim Kaine's son seems to have gotten the line's smarts.

What's a therad?
Dude, you're being ridiculed for dozens of pages by a bunch of people because you misspelled several words in the title of the thread and then went on to write an incoherent and just stupid original post. He's not jealous, he's ridiculing you like the rest of us.

Also, anti antifa just means fascist.
Say whatever you want to make yourself feel as though you weren't trolled. The reality is, you fell for it hook line and sinker and here you are, dangling like a little fishy on a string. You're hooked and addicted to my witty persona. You have absolutely no argument except you spelled a word wrong. Maybe I did it on purpose to get here so we can have an intelligent conversation. Gosh, what was I thinking.

Say whatever you want to make yourself feel as though you weren't trolled. The reality is, you fell for it hook line and sinker and here you are, dangling like a little fishy on a string. You're hooked and addicted to my witty persona. You have absolutely no argument except you spelled a word wrong. Maybe I did it on purpose to get here so we can have an intelligent conversation. Gosh, what was I thinking.

Your video glorifies beating a woman.
That's the kekistani flag, you should know that because you sported pepe around. You don't know who pepe is do you? You just got trolled.

Wrong (yet again), dummy. The entire 'kek' nonsense was invented by your fellow nazis and alt-righters. It's an affront to the character, much in the same way that you are an affront to this forum.

I wonder if you'll eventually grow tired of embarrassing yourself? Probably not, republicucks rarely do.
Nice attempt at character assassination even though it's a failure. You would be much better off if you used actual quotes from me without changing words around. That way other users could fact check your work.
I'm a Jew. Thank you for your kind words, it says a lot about your character. Back to the thread. I have some more antifa mugshots. Any of them guys look familiar to you? View attachment 3952356 View attachment 3952360
Hillary clinton's running mate, Tim kaine's son linwood kaine. Yup arrested as an antifa terrorist. His dad's a senator, so I'm sure he'll be out in no time to throw more glass bottles and smoke bombs.

do you honestly believe they faked the moon landing though?

that's pretty retarded.
Like I said to tange, I'll do a thread on it later. Hope to see you there

we get it, you're such a fucking mental job that the only place you can gain acceptance is an online community of fascists who insist that they hail from an imaginary country called kekistan.

that's about the saddest thing i have ever heard.