MAGA The ani-anifa therad.

Pussy. Give Two Stroke your attention. I'll tell you when I want it.

why are you white knighting for twopump? he is an avowed racist who hangs out with jew-hating neo-nazis. why on earth would you possibly want to stick up for him?

Screenshot 2017-05-28 at 11.58.43 PM.png

wooopps, nevermind. i have a theory that might just explain it.
I value honesty.
Two Strokes asked.
What's your middle name?
What's your prefix?

Are you that lame not to answer?


i kinda know when someone is trying to bait me into a ban by doxxing them. i'm not dumb like you two are.

and i don't harbor hatred towards black people and jews and muslims and mexicans either, like you two.
Nazi claims to be a Jew in order to avoid being called what he is, posts nazi symbols and signals alignment with neonazi group while arguing with Jews online...
This is a modified nazi symbol.

Also, anti antifa just means fascist.
This is a modified nazi symbol.

Also, anti antifa just means fascist.
No it's not and you're a failure as a troll.
upload_2017-6-2_7-17-35.jpeg If what you say is true, then the rainbow flag is the new alt right hate symbol because it separates the colors. If I could take all of your collective IQ's and harness that shit into electricity I couldn't toast a piece of bread. Heaven forbid, if I were to use white bread I would be labeled as a fascist.
No it's not and you're a failure as a troll.
View attachment 3953276 If what you say is true, then the rainbow flag is the new alt right hate symbol because it separates the colors. If I could take all of your collective IQ's and harness that shit into electricity I couldn't toast a piece of bread. Heaven forbid, if I were to use white bread I would be labeled as a fascist.

"Nuh-huh, you're a big stupid-head!"

"Nuh-huh, you're a big stupid-head!"

4 k's not 3. Can you see the word kek in the middle? You guys believe its a hate symbol because your failed presidential candidate killary, in an attempt to grasp at straws associated it to pepe, a comic strip frog used as a meme on 4chan. I trolled you because you're a hater.
you dont grow shit do you?

Sure, lots of stuff. But what does my green thumb have to do with you being 300 pounds of racist diarrhea stuffed into a (greasy) 10 pound klan robe? Republican deflection tactics never work, silly pooey.
maybe you can get away with not having a truck in the kentucky suburbs idk.

I wouldn't really say "suburbs".....I live just a few blocks from a large sports arena/the downtown area.

Looks like you had quite the drunken meltdown (again) last night, pooey - embarrassing! It sure makes for an entertaining read, but I'm sorry you got so upset that you conducted yourself in such an obviously humiliating way.
I'm beginning to remember why I cut you off....fucking with nazis is fun in most cases, but in your case it's just become a sad exercise in trampling.
You've been calling me a nazi for a week and I'm a nazi. Go fuck yourself. I'm a bigot and a hating little crybaby. Rumor has it on other forums you're a snitch and people get busted shortly after coming into contact with you.

You're slow. Would a judge share your viewpoint?

download (84).jpeg kek is LOL! You fucking tryhards. It's from a game called world of warcraft when you type in lol on the chaos class it translates to lol on the allies side. sunni can verify that for you because she plays world of warcraft. It's been a running joke on 4chan for a while. You can go down the rabbit hole as deep as you want. You might find a frog god cult or nazi's at the bottom. But in the end it just means lol and top kek is roflmao. Kek literally translates to lol on World of Warcraft. When someone from the Horde side types lol in /say, members of the alliance side see kek instead. Not specific to Orcs.

No it's not and you're a failure as a troll.
View attachment 3953276 If what you say is true, then the rainbow flag is the new alt right hate symbol because it separates the colors. If I could take all of your collective IQ's and harness that shit into electricity I couldn't toast a piece of bread. Heaven forbid, if I were to use white bread I would be labeled as a fascist.


4 k's not 3. Can you see the word kek in the middle? You guys believe its a hate symbol because your failed presidential candidate killary, in an attempt to grasp at straws associated it to pepe, a comic strip frog used as a meme on 4chan. I trolled you because you're a hater.

Nice meltdown, dickless bigot.

Why plague this forum with your drumpf-suckling and nazism? Did stormfront ban/turtle you again, grandpa?
You've got to at least try posting in English for your remaining time here, socko. Seriously, the collective site drops a few IQ points each time you hit that 'post' button, sigh.

Also: Reported for endorsing bestiality. "weiner dog puppy diddler,make sure to use lube on puppy"
^W--T--F ?
you know damn well what im talking about PD :hump:
You've got to at least try posting in English for your remaining time here, socko. Seriously, the collective site drops a few IQ points each time you hit that 'post' button, sigh.

Also: Reported for endorsing bestiality. "weiner dog puppy diddler,make sure to use lube on puppy"
^W--T--F ?
so unclebuck is endorsing pedophilia every time he lies about tampee ? ok cool so now we are making progress in are besties with a pedo endorsing liar,perfect
you know damn well what im talking about PD :hump:

No one knows "what you're talking about", dummy. The very definition of a failed sock.

so unclebuck is endorsing pedophilia every time he lies about tampee ? ok cool so now we are making progress in are besties with a pedo endorsing liar,perfect

Your chum the tampon sock is in fact a pedophile, yes. Regarding the rest, I'm unable to decipher the meth-induced babbling.

Sounds like you might be heading towards another meltdown. You sound awfully upset this morning.
Sure, lots of stuff. But what does my green thumb have to do with you being 300 pounds of racist diarrhea stuffed into a (greasy) 10 pound klan robe? Republican deflection tactics never work, silly pooey.

I wouldn't really say "suburbs".....I live just a few blocks from a large sports arena/the downtown area.

Looks like you had quite the drunken meltdown (again) last night, pooey - embarrassing! It sure makes for an entertaining read, but I'm sorry you got so upset that you conducted yourself in such an obviously humiliating way.
I'm beginning to remember why I cut you off....fucking with nazis is fun in most cases, but in your case it's just become a sad exercise in trampling.

We've all seen your house.
Fill up my inbox with pm's and ask what you want of Uncle. He's been outed more than Courtney Love at a Hole after party!

Nah thats the game. Anyone can find that on here easily, he pretends to doxx you; you actually doxx him, you're banned.

@UncleBuck doesnt know what my middle name is but he claims to. wouldnt be a doxx to reveal it either.

this is antifa folks.
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So add rural vs urban in your identity politics. I'm actually a really lean 220 lbs and about your height, compared to your actual fat self that you have posted pics of chain smoking in front of your pc in your wallboard trailer chamber.


Well looky there.......someone had management delete their photos of their shabby shameful self.


Ohhhhh, pooey, tsk tsk tsk....such pathetic desperation, such envy, even for you this is a bit much. I'm embarrassed for you at this point. :(

Chin up, little fella - your life situation will eventually improve. I mean, it has to, right?