MAGA The ani-anifa therad.

You guys are always talking about white people because you're racists. Don't you have traffic to block or an episode of young turks to watch?
That's just the unvarnished truth, man. I know you'd love it if most terrorist acts on American soil were carried out by dark skinned people from foreign lands but it just flat ain't so... by a long shot.

At least deal in realities when it comes to racism.
Michigan is in a downward spiral.

I'll bet 2018 and 2020 brings a change there.
Most people find Trump repulsive.

You don't get a 37% approval rating when you're universally loved.

Who the flying fuck is in that 37%?

@Dr. Pecker, that question is to you.
It seems that 37% of voting age Americans think so poorly of their choices on the Democratic side that they'd rather stand with a bigoted, racist fascist, serial liar who fucks them and their families over every chance he gets.

I didn't say they weren't suicidally stupid.
It seems that 37% of voting age Americans think so poorly of their choices on the Democratic side that they'd rather stand with a bigoted, racist fascist, serial liar who fucks them and their families over every chance he gets.

I didn't say they weren't suicidally stupid.

Maybe not voting actually does send a message. ;)
Actually, it is usually just regular protestors being attacked by MAGA hat wearing thugs and racists. Which is why antifa protects protestors. You know who protects MAGA hat wearing thugs and racists? The police.

So Eric Clanton was just "protecting" regular protesters and didn't attack anyone? What kind of upside down world do you believe in?
What kind of upside down world do you believe in?

the one where you're totally not a jew-hating racist completely undeserving of a beatdown.

Screenshot 2017-01-01 at 8.51.50 PM.png

you nazi fascists act so surprised and innocent when you get the beatdowns you deserve.

stop espousing violent, authoritaryan dogma and we'll stop beating the living shit out of you cucks.
Most zealots and tyrants operate with subjective morality. Well done

you want to deport legal immigrants if they are the wrong color, ban an entire religion, make it harder for black people to vote, and take away women's autonomy, just for starters. the guy you voted for called for the execution of 5 innocent black men, described how he rapes women (right after he called mexicans 'rapists'), has settled multiple fraud and rape lawsuits, and denied black families entrance to his buildings. the 'america first' campaign slogan you repeat was first used in america to represent an anti-semitic, nazi-coddling political faction.

tell me again how you are not a fascist nazi that supports fascist nazis though.
you want to deport legal immigrants if they are the wrong color, ban an entire religion, make it harder for black people to vote, and take away women's autonomy, just for starters. the guy you voted for called for the execution of 5 innocent black men, described how he rapes women (right after he called mexicans 'rapists'), has settled multiple fraud and rape lawsuits, and denied black families entrance to his buildings. the 'america first' campaign slogan you repeat was first used in america to represent an anti-semitic, nazi-coddling political faction.

tell me again how you are not a fascist nazi that supports fascist nazis though.

Jesus you sound upset. Upset enough to assault someone with a bike lock. And defend it.
and i didn't punch you in the throat?

you must have been hiding like the little bitch you are.

let's meet again, jew hater.

Sure. When you've got the situational awareness of a ground sloth, head down, shoulders slouched, shuffling along sucking a butt. That and your stick frame make an imposing figure kid.
Sure. When you've got the situational awareness of a ground sloth, head down, shoulders slouched, shuffling along sucking a butt. That and your stick frame make an imposing figure kid.

i'm 6'2'' and 220.

i would kill you with one medium strength throat punch, you dumb old racist.
Sure. When you've got the situational awareness of a ground sloth, head down, shoulders slouched, shuffling along sucking a butt. That and your stick frame make an imposing figure kid.

Can you see Russia out your window?

Cause that got cool now. You can even open a back channel or just give them classified info at a meeting in front of the Russian photographer.

Russia and Patriotism!
Make America Great Afuckingain