MAGA The ani-anifa therad.

he calls me a nazi.

did i hurt your feelings? sorry, i don't care about your feelings. fuck your feelings.

you worship a woman punching nazi who founded the group "identity evropa", a group which invites other nazis like richard spencer to their nuremberg rallies. richard spencer is the guy who calls for "ethnic cleansing" by the way, and is on video talking about using "dank memes" and "frog pictures" to indoctrinate new cult followers into the fold.

then he said "heil trump" and all of his followers gave nazi salutes.

he questioned whether jews were actually people, or "soulless golem".

so yeah, safe to say you are a nazi, your puny and pathetic feelings be damned.
did i hurt your feelings? sorry, i don't care about your feelings. fuck your feelings.

you worship a woman punching nazi who founded the group "identity evropa", a group which invites other nazis like richard spencer to their nuremberg rallies. richard spencer is the guy who calls for "ethnic cleansing" by the way, and is on video talking about using "dank memes" and "frog pictures" to indoctrinate new cult followers into the fold.

then he said "heil trump" and all of his followers gave nazi salutes.

he questioned whether jews were actually people, or "soulless golem".

so yeah, safe to say you are a nazi, your puny and pathetic feelings be damned.
KEK! You are so fucking trolled. Top Kek.
sorry, you don't get to worship literal nazis while not knowing they are literal nazis, and then claim you were just trolling when you are informed that they are literal nazis, nazi.
I'm not worshiping nazi's, I'm a jew. I find your remarks repulsive and think you should take a break because you're having a meltdown. There is no reasonable dialog with you because if there were then you would have no argument. You need the argument for some reason. Go see a shrink.
I'm not worshiping nazi's

you literally spent this entire thread bragging about an avowed nazi (who hangs out with other nazis who want ethnic cleansing) punching a woman.

just look at these sad sacks of nazi shit.

Are you saying you want to oppress people?

just pointing out that you claim to love the first amendment, which prevents sharia law, while marching against sharia law and wanting to ban an entire religion from the nation.

hitler also wanted to ban an entire religion too. we shot his people to death. you complain when piss gets thrown at you.

just pointing out that you calim to love the first amendment, which prevents sharia law, while marching against sharia law and wanting to ban an entire religion from the nation.

hitler also wanted to ban an entire religion too. we shot his people to death. you complain when piss gets thrown at you.
