Well-Known Member
That video you posted glorified the beating of a woman.
by a neo-nazi kekistani who wants to racially and ethnically cleanse the united states no less.
That video you posted glorified the beating of a woman.
I'm sorry did I post in your thread to bully you? You have a stupid user name, its almost as bad as rrog.You're like the school yard bully that starts a fight, gets his ass kicked then cries about, little bitches.
Are you rrogs sock account? Did you come to my thread for some attention? You don't get enough at home?Ani ani ani. @Dr.Pecker Loathsome fucking dullard.
I'm sorry did I post in your thread to bully you? You have a stupid user name, its almost as bad as rrog.
Are you rrogs sock account? Did you come to my thread for some attention? You don't get enough at home?
Are you rrogs sock account? Did you come to my thread for some attention? You don't get enough at home?
I'm sorry did I post in your thread to bully you? You have a stupid user name, its almost as bad as rrog.
Are you rrogs sock account? Did you come to my thread for some attention? You don't get enough at home?
In the real world, if this were a party, the OP would be in the corner. Alone.
You've found your voice as the #1 reliable poster of shit crusted, duh, disposable turd comments.58 pages of replies later. lol
In the real world, if this were a party, the OP would be in the corner. Alone.
If he's this incredibly ignorant and annoying online, one can only imagine in real life. This is why he acts out so. Years of pressure in the real world.
Is he the cause of his misery or simply a victim? Who gives a shit. He's outrageously annoying
fast and furious movies annoy me which is why I don't watch them.
green lives mattercool youtube video.
are you trying to say that "america" is fascist, like you?
green lives matter
facts trump feelingswhen a nazi punches a woman that's just good ol' equality.
facts trump feelings
You are obsessed to a high degree over Nazism, you get raped by one or something?. Genuine question.people who think the definition of equality is when a nazi punches a woman are fascist nazis.
You are obsessed to a high degree over Nazism, you get raped by one or something?. Genuine question.