Magical Butter 2 Machine settings


New Member
I was wondering what are the length / heat settings MB2 owners find most affective?

It seems like the current "consensus" is 222 deg for 90 min, I have tried the 220 setting for 2 hours, and stopped it after about 95 min.

I tried that twice, the first time with 2 cups of Coconut oil to 1 oz of herb (I was very happy with the result.)
The second time I tried a different type of herb and 2 oz for the 2 cups of oil, and the result was not twice as strong as the original batch.

Any feedback an recommendations are welcome.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried 1 1/2 cup to 1 oz of herb? Just placed an order for one, I want to be able to use this with my pen. But I'm more interested in the tincture feature. bongsmilie