Magnesium def - OR - PH Problem ???


Active Member
Hey Everyone !

Im 3.5 weeks into flowering and noticed my leaves starting to change maybe 4-5 days ago. I noticed my PH was a little low so I adjusted it but still no effect. After doing some research I think it looks like a magnesium def but not sure...

Any suggestions?



Well-Known Member
Looks like at least partial Magnesium deficiency, but I've never seen it near that bad, so there could be other issues too.

How off was your pH, and what medium are you in?



Well-Known Member
I just had a pH problem in my hempys...I was way to low ...the result looked like a major n deff. ....idk if that helps ya any.

Where is the problem starting? Lower older leafs? Middle? New growth? What's ur medium and nutes u use


Active Member
Its a full hydro system. 4x4 flood and drain table with hydroton. For nuts im using all advanced nutrients. All their nutes from the grand master line. Since i was only 3 weeks in I scaled back the nutes to about 80% what it said for my res size.

My ph got down to about 5. I dont have a digital meter right now so its a rough guess from the chemical test. My ph is 8 coming out of the tap and after adding all the nutes it ends up being around 5.50-6 without adding any ph down. I added a couple of drops of ph down before testing the water in week 2 and thats when I had it at 5. Before week 2 everything was lush but many leaves changed in a week.

Most of the effected leaves are near the middle and towards the top. but now the very top with the flowers. Almost all the leaves are large. most of the smaller leaves dont seem to be effected yet.


Active Member
I hope so. I adjusted the PH to about 5.5-6 now and its been running for a few days. Ive noticed many of the bigger leaves are still dieing but i dont see it spreading to any other leaves yet.

Just getting worried about trimming off to many leaves