Magnesium Deficiency?


Active Member
Well, I treated the plants for both a nitrogen and magnesium deficiency.

Based on the advice I received here, I repotted the plants to 2-3 gallon containers - I really only had them in 1 gallon ones before. I also added a higher nitrogen level fertilizer (at half strength) to my fertilizer mix. Finally, I dissolved some epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) in a spray bottle, and sprayed down the leaves on 2/3 plants once a day for a few days.

I used one plant as a control group and didn't give it any magnesium. It still improved, but not as much as the other two.

Things seem to be back on track - the plants haven't totally healed, but they are looking much healthier and bushier. More importantly, the buds are continuing to grow.

Pics below.

Last Week

This week (same bud site)

Foliage is more lush, bud is growing

More pics in the grow journal

Thanks again for all your help!!

I have some kind of deficiency that started about 4 weeks into flower. It appears to be MG to me but I'm no expert so here I am. Any ideas? The leaves are curling up and scorched like hell but the plant is still flowering like "normal", that is they continue to grow. Also, it's occuring near the top of the plant, not so much in the middle or bottom. I flushed at week 5 for 2 days, then added nutrients again at 900 ppm. I use a flood and drain system as well. My ph is constantly between 5.7 to 6.1. At one point, it got down to 5.4 which makes me think that caused MG deficiency. Will it be ok until the end of flower or do I need to do something now? I'm currently at week 6. I wasn't able to upload pics for some reason but they're in my profile if you can view them that way. Thanks!