Magnesium Deficiency?


Well-Known Member
Green veins and yellowing around is MG def and curled burned looking tips is Potassium def but kinda resembles Calcium deficiency and the best PH for absorption is 6.5-9.0
but 6.6 would suffice.


Your plant is locking out potassium (K). It could be triggered by too much Nitrogen. Can you post what you have been feeding it and how much? Knowing that would make a world of difference in diagnosing what is going on.
Using GMB from Advanced Nutrients - just following their nute calc. As mentioned earlier in the thread, due to a organisational cockup, and lack of space I've been feeding both the above plants from the res of the hydro system thats running in the same tent on a dripper system. As you can see the Doctor is still looking good, but the Kush is suffering.