Magnesium deficiency


Ok so it looks like i [FONT=arial, tahoma, verdana]may have a magnesium deficiency as some of the leaves are yellow turning brown in areas and feel like paper. im growing in soil (cana professional) and into 2nd week of flower. i have read that using epsom salts can correct it but using to much may make this worse. Has any one else had this happen to them if so how did you correct it?

[/FONT]Heres a pic, not the best but if you are able to zoom in abit you will see a few of the leaves.

[FONT=arial, tahoma, verdana]

also is this the salt i need to try and correct it.

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Well-Known Member
whats your soil pH?
I'm not seeing a Magnesium deficiency in your pic.
I see a couple leaves lower center that look like a Phosphorus deficiency.
I see some wrinkled leaves here, and there. Couple dead leaves.
Plant looks pretty decent for the most part.

Can you take some pics with FLASH. Your HPS messes with the true color.


Well-Known Member
Where are you seeing the deficiency? For example: Upper leaves, middle, lower, all of the above? It is hard to see what you are talking about in the pic. If you don't have a way to take a better pic, a better written description can help tons. I hope we can figure this out for you!


Edit: Also, where on the leaves is it turning brown? Between the veins only, the whole leaf, round spots?


Well-Known Member
Looks like phosphorous deficiency to me. Just make sure pH is good and raise your phosphorous nutes.



Well-Known Member
Just for reference, manganese def. looks like this (one of mine) at first:


Btw, yes those would be the correct salts to use (about a teaspoon/gal) if you had manganese deficiency. However, if you were to order online, I would recommend just picking up some CalMag+ instead. I digress, as you do NOT have manganese deficiency and need to bump your phosphorous. What nutes are you using right now?


Hi this is the feed am using

it says on the instructions to use 5ml to every ltr of water, im am using only 2.5ml to every ltr. i think i will give it a flush double check me run off ph then adjust to suit



Well-Known Member
No way it is nute burn. With nute burn, your tips and edges are the first to burn. I'm pretty confident on the deficiency. Just need to up your nutes.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
if you have a balanced fertilizer use that instead of the flowering nutes you have. GL