Magnesium deficiency?


Well-Known Member
when I say soil, I mean potting soil. not dirt from outdoors.
I still think 900+ ppm is too much and probably too often. but you're almost finished.

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
3 gallons when watering???? I have 5 gallon smart pots and water 3/4 gallon every other day. 900 ppm plus pk and cal mag is too high also.

I used to use high ph and swore by it. now im using pro mix and ph everything at 6-6.2

I feel like its too low but plants like it


Well-Known Member
potting soils tend to contain a good deal of peat and other forest products, meaning tree bark, etc. when I say 900+ is too high, it's because the peat or whatever is used, will trap fert in itself, so it can build up over time. 900 is more of a hydroponic feeding level because it just water, not potting or peat, so there a really high dilution. even if you use coco the fert can get trapped in the coco. you wouldn't expect coco to break down and feed the plants, but fertilizers can coat the fibers.


Well-Known Member
3 gallons when watering???? I have 5 gallon smart pots and water 3/4 gallon every other day. 900 ppm plus pk and cal mag is too high also.

I used to use high ph and swore by it. now im using pro mix and ph everything at 6-6.2

I feel like its too low but plants like it
With 3 gallons i barely get a half to 3/4 gallon of runoff. Again.......ive tried low ph and it locks out nitrogen. Not sure why. It just does.