Magnesium Toxicity?



Here's the deal:

Growing in coco.
Ph my nutrients to 5.8
30 gallon reservoir with:
225 ml GH Grow
150 ml GH Micro
75 ml GH Bloom
150 ml GH Organic CalMag
150 ml GH Diamond Nectar
75 ml GH Floralicious Grow
150 ml GH Flora Blend
75 ml GH Flora Nectar
This takes my ppm to about 950.
The supplements are at 50% of what is recommended. (In the past I've have a similar problem to what is now rearing it's head, so I'm trying to not lock anything out with excess additives)

Room temp 76-82.
Room RH 60%
I'm vegging.
I'm using RO water.
I'm using CO2.
I'm using a Biowave.

For the first 8 weeks of the plants' lives, they lived in Strong Box cloners, then 3 1/2 weeks ago I transplanted them into 5 gallon fabric pots. They've slowly taken on these ailments. Almost all of the signs are coming from the top of the plants. Not all plants have these deficiencies/toxicities.

I've tried cutting everything back to just the Grow, Micro, Bloom and CalMag, but it didn't help.

I thought the yellowing in the first picture was a zinc deficiency, and I thought the rusty spots were a magnesium deficiency. In the past three days I've upped the G, M, B and CM, thinking that because of the CO2 and Biowave the plants are growing faster than normal, and therefore could use an overall boost in their feeding. This brought the ppm to about 1350.

I've had some folks say it was a Mag deficiency, but a (seemingly) knowledgeable manager at my hydro shop suggested it might be a Mag toxicity. He said there should be enough Mag in the G, M and B, and that the organic CalMag would break down at a different rate than the regular GH line of nutrients, and that the excess Mag was locking something out.

My plan is to water regularly once with 10% of the G, M and B, add some Sweet Raw, and some Flora Kleen, and Ph from now on to 6.0. After that I'll stop using the CalMag, and just go with the G, M and B until things turn around.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Overfeeding ..... U use over nuts ....
If u have the last pic soon as possible flush your plant