
Tomas 69

What do you think is causing this? In Coots living soil. Nearly 3rd week of flower.


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I would increase your nutrients. Are you following the package instructions? Feed every watering according to fertilizer instructions
Not feeding, In living soil. Should have all the nutrients it needs. However thinking about watering with some Epsom salts as well as a top dressing.
I don't do living soil but I use coots recipe as a base soil. I also amend, use teas, top dressing, fish crap, etc
It is the first time for Me. And am wondering about all that. How often do use a tea and what’s in it? Also top dressing?
I watered once with a bacterial concoction and am about to use a top dressing.
Learning, but have noticed a huge difference in living soil.
Could be a lack of magnesium. What did you use for crustacean meal and rock dust in your mix? What are you using for water?

It could be a lack of microbes in the soil, so the magnesium isn't available. How good were your worm castings or compost when I built your soil? Have you do anything to keep the microbes up, like top dressing compost or using EWC tea or some microbe product or anything?

Soil drying can cause issues in your root zone like pH swings, microbes going dormant or killing off roots, messing with nutrient absorption. How has your watering been?

Sometimes light intensity can mess with your leaves. What lights are you using, how hard are you pushing them and how far are the lights from the plants?
Basic compost tea is compost/castings 1-2 cups/5gal, molasses few tablespoons. Top dress many things Dr earth, kelp, guano, etc. Also kelp and guano can be put in the tea but then I believe its called a nutrient tea. Cal mag use oyster/lime and epsom.
Thanks for all the info. I am pushing lights pretty hard. Like 965 ppfd. 14 inches away using a Spider Farmer 2000.
Never really considered all the tea’s and top dressings.
This is like my 4th grow and in this homemade dirt see a big difference in the amount of flowers, rate of growth and overall health.