Mag's First Grow - 156 Watts of CFL - Vanilla Kush!


Kind of an update. I've been having to water it more than usual. About twice a day. The soil just gets dry so fast :shock: My moisture meter always reads about a 2 out of 10. After watering it will spike to about 7 out of 10 with only about 30-50mL of run off.

I also ordered a digital PH meter that will be arriving tomorrow. I feel that using a bottle to compare color is just too inaccurate for me.

Is the amount of growth in the picture accurate for as old as she is? I potted the seed on July 8th and it popped her head out on the 10th. This picture was taken just a few moments ago (July 12th). I see some grows that show a 7 day old with leafs that look like it would be able to fly LOL. I guess its still a little early, but I just want her to be on the right track since its my only plant.



Well-Known Member
yea ur good its only been 4 days. some are faster and bigger then others and some arent. i had a chem d seed that took 3 weeks to pop out of ground only to die the next few days after.


Active Member
Nice grow man, looks like you have all the tools for the job! I'm running a similar wattage systme atm in my journal, also new to this so been having a few problems but for the last week its been going great! Just when you see a problem is starting, sort it out, ohterwise it will cost you your plant..had to do an emergency transplant because of lack of space, crap soil, all those things! 4 days is still really early! Mine started growing fast and all of a sudden basicly stunted. Only started to go again a week or 2 ago, but goodluck, will follow this, hope you make it from baby to smoke!


Does this happen to anyone?

Everytime I water, everything seems to "float" upward. Even the seedling seems like its just going to float right out and top over. After the water drains I usually have to pack it back down in to the soil to ensure it stays upright.

I bought some H&G Roots Excelurator that will be coming in tomorrow because this is ridic. These roots need to grow!

Really stresses me out LOL


I received my digital pH meter and after a small calibration it looks like my filtered water is actually around 7.8pH. The filtered water always showed about a 7 on the color test with the General Hydroponic solution stuff and I never really added any pH down.

Maybe a true 6.5pH will help my baby grow quicker.



2nd day of using H&G Roots Excelurator.

She is now 5 days old since she popped her head out of the soil, 7 days old if you include when I put the seed in the soil.




8 days since sprouting, 10 days since seed planted in soil, 3 days since last picture update.

She is looking good for a seedling! Seems to like the H&G Roots Excelurator. No Seedling burn or anything and is growing fast.

Water PH: 6.6
Water PPM w/o RE: 90
Water PPM w/ RE: 210~
Water Amt: 250mL
Water Run-off: 50mL

Looks like there is a "spider web" on the leaf, its actually just a water bubble as I just watered before taking the picture.


looking excellent so far, mag. i like your setup and also just choosing to go with one little baby to start. what is your light cycle right now? if you have it on 24 hour light (some growers like to start their plant this way) that can make it hard for the roots to fully develop. If that's the case i might try going to 4 or 6 hours of dark a night, although if that root excelurator is working i'd stick with giving it really tiny amounts of that. good luck


looking excellent so far, mag. i like your setup and also just choosing to go with one little baby to start. what is your light cycle right now? if you have it on 24 hour light (some growers like to start their plant this way) that can make it hard for the roots to fully develop. If that's the case i might try going to 4 or 6 hours of dark a night, although if that root excelurator is working i'd stick with giving it really tiny amounts of that. good luck
Yes it is currently on a 24/0 light schedule. I was originally going to do a 20/4 hour schedule but I figured why not and just go the extra mile. We'll see how she looks in another week or so. In roughly two more weeks I will probably transplant her then a following week after that I will begin LST.
Yes it is currently on a 24/0 light schedule. I was originally going to do a 20/4 hour schedule but I figured why not and just go the extra mile. We'll see how she looks in another week or so. In roughly two more weeks I will probably transplant her then a following week after that I will begin LST.

sounds about right timing-wise, that's how i usually do it. i'm a fan of super cropping as well, although tie-downs and lst can work just as well. it really depends on the plant.

anyway, i've got three little seedlings i planted yesterday along with two bigger ones that have been vegging for about 4 weeks and 7 weeks. i saw hairs on my 7 week old the other day so that's my second female (i've had one in my flowering room for about a week and a half) :)
i'm running about 250 watts of various cfls in the veg and 2 150watt hps ballasts with some extra 26 watt soft white cfls as well in flowering.

pics coming soon
1.5weeksflowerdank(1stgrow).jpg<-this is my big girl she's been in flowering for about a week and a half
7weeks1.jpg<-this is my 7 week old
lilhairs1(dank).jpg<-these are some hairs on the one in flowering
vegroom1.jpg<- and this is my veg room setup (slightly altered for the picture)


Well-Known Member
sounds about right timing-wise, that's how i usually do it. i'm a fan of super cropping as well, although tie-downs and lst can work just as well. it really depends on the plant.

anyway, i've got three little seedlings i planted yesterday along with two bigger ones that have been vegging for about 4 weeks and 7 weeks. i saw hairs on my 7 week old the other day so that's my second female (i've had one in my flowering room for about a week and a half) :)
i'm running about 250 watts of various cfls in the veg and 2 150watt hps ballasts with some extra 26 watt soft white cfls as well in flowering.

pics coming soon
sell me a 150 hps. all kidden aside!


Well-Known Member
go on amazon dude that's how i got mine. they were only like 80 bucks each i went with sun system ballasts because of the shape of my grow space. Seriously it's worth the investment my babies love them
i know!! went to a hydroshop the other day and the want 130 for a 150w. madness. ill just do amazon like intended.
got some new pictures as well guys

topssss.jpg<-these are just some more pics of my girl in flowering. it'll be two weeks on wednesday and i think i've done a really good job keeping the strech to a minimum on this one the tops are so close together which hopefully will lead to some fat ass buds in a couple weeks :D

tiedows&supercropping.jpg<- this is just a pic i decided to throw up here. it kinda shows the techniques i use most -super cropping (i dont know if you can see the little bends on the closest two branches) fimming (just topping but better because you get 4 tops and it's less stress on the plant) and also just a lot of good 'ol low stress training and tying down (i use hemp rope to tie my plants down, it works great and the plants dont seem to mind it)


She's growing up!

14 days since sprout..

Still using 250mL of water, PH to 6.5 and using .1mL of Roots Excelurator.

Tomorrow I will probably be transplanting to a 14.5 quart container which translates to about 3.625 gallons.

I also ordered another 68 CFM exhaust fan to hopefully keep my temperatures reasonable with 6 CFL's on!

