Mail potentially confiscated?


New Member
Im not sure why a cop stopped u i worked for usps and as soon as u step in the post office anypackage is property of us goverment and federal issue no one can open it unless its a goverment official. So im not sure why u got stopped
Yes...certainly odd that a state cop would ask about a package. That being said, i'm sure that given the information he received, even if he decided it was not worth the arrest he probably would have reported it back to the post office where it was probably flagged for inspection. Just a guess but seems reasonable.

I guess the question would be if indeed the package was opened, would it be worth the feds time to investigate. A few llbs or weed or some other controlled substance...maybe. A few seeds? They certainly could, but would it be worth the time, effort and money to pursue. Federal Government is not exactly throwing a ton of money to pursue minor marijuana cases these days. Even though they could prosecute for drug trafficking, its not like they are going to get a huge conviction for a couple of seeds.

if your worry about it leaving 2 hours later. it may had been confiscated and it had to be scanned out of their system.
very possible. If the state cop passed the information along to the post office, they would be silly not to at the very least flag it for inspection and given that there have been no updates to the tracking since the first day it was sent out, I'm sure it stopped/seize/confiscated. Again, the question is how worth it is it to pursue charges on the other side of the country for a few seeds? My thinking is that resources are probably better allocated somewhere else, especially considering the large volume of other drugs being shipped in greater quantities than some seeds.
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Well-Known Member
I would definitely deny the package. Why would the cops allow the package to be sent? Really? I've seen stories of cops renting out houses to small time street peddlers of heroin/crack and watched them commit crimes for almost two years before they busted them.

I'm wondering what bogus ass state you guys live in, I'm guessing down South (TX, AR, MO, MI, GA, FL) or upper west half of the midwest (ND,SD,ID,WY,MT, UT)?
I was watching a show about the Latin Kings and how they took down the leader who was ordering hits from jail through the mail. They claimed he used a code. Then they showed some letters - if it was a code it wasn't much of one. They let him order a lot of hits from jail before they busted him and put him in isolation for his entire sentence (life).


Well-Known Member
Im not sure why a cop stopped u i worked for usps and as soon as u step in the post office anypackage is property of us goverment and federal issue no one can open it unless its a goverment official. So im not sure why u got stopped
Sounds like complete bullshit to me. They received his package, then somehow went through his package, called the police, police came out and took a report, tracked down that car the guy was driving, chased the guy down and pulled him over to simply ask him "what was in the package"...

Bullshit meter is DING DING DINGING.


Well-Known Member
it's not like cops are stationed at post offices checking the mail. And if they are how could they open a package and follow someone at the same time. Total BS story


Well-Known Member
TheHermit read my mind. Something doesn't add up at all here. There has to be more to the story if this is a true story. If your "friend" got stopped by the cops after sending the package.. it sounds like a lot is left out, or at least something he isn't telling you. It just doesn't make sense period. And if I was the one receiving the package I wouldn't take the risk of accepting it either.