main stem isnt flowering


New Member
Ill start by saying that i'm new to the whole growing thing, and that this is my first plant, so dont judge to harsh.
Ive put my flower into 12\12 and all the sidestems started flowering, or atleast i presume that's what it is(pic 1)
but the main stem doesent show any sighns of flowering(pic 2 and 3) and i'm kinda worride, did i mess something up, or does the main stem flower a bit later thatn all the others, or maybe i had to chop the sidstems down?
Please help if you can I will be wery greatfull.
Your friendly neighbourhood grower Paul.1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg


New Member
Looks like flowering transition is just beginning and the lowers are showing pre-flowers . This lady will still stretch a bit yet and it looks like it will be a long flowering lady due to the genetics .. Looking good though and patience is a virtue when it comes to growing pot lol .


New Member
Looks like flowering transition is just beginning and the lowers are showing pre-flowers . This lady will still stretch a bit yet and it looks like it will be a long flowering lady due to the genetics .. Looking good though and patience is a virtue when it comes to growing pot lol .
thank you for the reply, you realy got my hopes back up :)