Main Stem Snapped in Two - First week of Flower

I was doing a little LST when "Crack" I was holding the top 2 inches of the main stem in my hand...

I quickly made a splint and hoped for the best but after a week and all of the leaves had wilted I took apart the splint to find that it did not survive at all! Of course this will affect my yield and from what I have read will put my plant in shock. However, after about 2-3 days it took off again and all of the side shoots appear to be doing very well. I used to be able to see into the stem, but it has now browned on the very tip and the hole is becoming smaller each day. Should I expect to see any new growth from the snapped stem? Will it be treated as if I topped it?


Well-Known Member
training is supposed to be done in veg for future reference. it will probably take longer to flower because of the time it takes for the plant heal up.


Well-Known Member
It may still grow new branches at the break but if its growing over maybe not. You kind of halted that process by trying to reattach the stem. You could let it got a few days and see if something comes up, if not get a razor and slice it off a little lower, that may jump start it.
training is supposed to be done in veg for future reference. it will probably take longer to flower because of the time it takes for the plant heal up.
The only reason I was training during flower is because I am trying 12/12 from seed. It stayed very short and bushy until about day 20 when it showed sex. Then its height became a problem. Thanks for the quick reply
It may still grow new branches at the break but if its growing over maybe not. You kind of halted that process by trying to reattach the stem. You could let it got a few days and see if something comes up, if not get a razor and slice it off a little lower, that may jump start it.
Would making a cut slightly lower cause the plant to go into shock again? I want to do everything I can to get back what I lost in yield but I don't want my plant to hermie on me...


Well-Known Member
no problem, no cable so i just cruise riu most of the day and help where i can. i haven't grown yet but when i discovered this site i read 8 hours a day on here, so i have no experience but i feel as if i could grow some mean plants if i had the money and a grow space.
no problem, no cable so i just cruise riu most of the day and help where i can. i haven't grown yet but when i discovered this site i read 8 hours a day on here, so i have no experience but i feel as if i could grow some mean plants if i had the money and a grow space.

I think I have read more on riu than I have read other material in my entire life. Its much more interesting and appealing.