Maine Green Cross


Active Member
Maine Green Cross is a group of fellow Mainers who are very strong advocates concerning the Laws and Rights of Patients and Caregivers, especially those that concern Maine. I am very proud to say that I am a member of this group. I have received permission from MGC to post at will, any information that may interest you or someone you know.

If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions ... Please feel free to let me know.

Thanks so very much
The MaineYankee :-)


Active Member
Back a few months ago, some of the Maine Green Cross members purchased a modular classroom. This classroom (Once Remodeled) will be used to hold informal meetings, have a library, and other worthwhile aspects concerning MMJ and Maine Patients and CareGivers.

The following is from a FaceBook Post last night from Maine Green Cross.
We live in an association..With covenants....We moved our modular classroom in behind our house...Three nieghbors who move here from out of state within the past two to three years raised a stink...They held a special vote and pushed us into a legal battle where we need to either come up with 50k to cover the suit or move it...Only in America can scum like that force a home owner to not be able to support themselves even when it doesnt violate our covenants, just because they dont like it.

So MGC is once again looking for a home in the Bowdoinham - Bowdoin -Topsham area.
Anyone hear about a farm for sale, especially with owner financing, let us know please.

MaineYankee / MGC :-)


Well-Known Member
the old lady is good friends with Paul and Ron, they are both very involved with the mmj movement especially Ron....

Biological Graffity

Active Member the building insulated? does it have its own main breaker, waterpump or preassure tank? be more than willing to take it off your hands...


Well-Known Member
it was just an old modular building they got from a school system..... no plumbing at all and it needs some serious wiring upgrades.....


Active Member
Plus I do not think that Ron nor Paul or any other of the members want to get rid of it. After all, they just received it, and yes it is in disrepair at the moment, but ..."Like every weed, there is a flower within! :-)

MaineYankee :-)


Active Member
A Recent Post (December 8th) on FaceBook from Ron:

Maine Green Cross is just a bunch of patients trying our best to help other patients caregivers and even some dispensaries muddle through the quagmire that the state has put us all in. To that end we offer a phone line that rings night and day...we always try to be there to help...many callers have told us we are the only organization that bothers to answer the phone.

Well you know we try to hook up patients with good caregivers. We have heard it all..we hook up a patient with a caring dedicated caregiver and we sometimes hear back there stuff sucks...its too cost too much...I DESERVE BETTER...well that may be the case but just remember Maine isnt California...we caregivers cant give out product like candy...doctors cant write a note for a hang nail..the state is still working hard against us...patients and caregivers are still fighting amoungst themselves.

Look people ...Caregivers arent WALMART...if you try a sample and it doesnt work for you let them know.

If you get it for half price and its wet...dry it out and be happy you got something.

MANY PATIENTS CANT FIND ANYTHING! ...If after a while it just isnt working out then try another caregiver or grow your own. MGC is currently working on a project that is much like WAMM in CA. Where patients dont pay much if anything for medicine..they just help out with the process and recieve medicine. It works and the sick and dying patients deserve as much.

We are a ways away from this program going into full swing but it does show promise. Patients should not have to pay money they dont have to live thier final days on earth at peace. Thats our message we welcome yours.


Active Member
We have a meeting scheduled to discuss the de-regulation of Cannabis and the governors petition to re-schedule. it will be in so. portland next fri at 2pm. anyone who wants more details let me know please. We will probably go over the script for the new Maine Green Cross movie...Smoke and Mirrors. also we will discuss the study MGC is currently doing for Hemp in Maine and revitalizing the industries that could benefit form that.

Ron Norton
Maine Green Cross is run by a notorious creep, Ron. This guy hates woman; speaks terribly about his wife and is an egomaniac. Yeah-he gets lots of people stoned and yeah the dumbest of the dumb like him. He claims to have a certain USM professor in his pocket as well as a certain Doctor and the Occupy Movement at his beck and call. Be careful-this guy claims he represents many but he is a poser.

It is unfortunate that simply getting people stoned is all that is needed for many to jump on his band wagon.


Well-Known Member
^^^ links, pics, corroborating evidence or testimonials..???

I dont know the guy, or the organization really, but sometimes the msg is more important than who is delivering it. sounds to me like they are helping educate people and push forward the movement.. that cant be a bad thing..