Major heat burn in tops!! Plz help fml


FUCK! I left the plants and lights unattended for 2 days because I never had a good chance to go in surreptitiously... Big mistake!

There are 2 pictures, 2 plants:
The first plant's top has been completely burned. I very much doubt it is going to grow correctly after that. Should I cut off the top and hope it reacts the same way as it would if I FIMmed?
The second will probably bud still, but it took a lot of damage. Should I do the same thing as mentioned above?

The pics are from my phone because I didn't have my camera so I apologize if they aren't good quality.

Please help!



Well-Known Member
These things happen. You can top them if you wish but the plant will sort itself out anyway.


Thank you v12.

Do you think it is better to top them or let them be?
Does anyone who this has happened to know what I can expect for change in yield because of the burns?
Also, this is the 4th day of 12/12. Should I revert back to veg to help them recover, or just keep going?


Well-Known Member
They have already been a little shocked and topping them would just add another shock and a further delay. If the tops are unviable then the plant will discard them on it's own. Switching back to 18/6 would add a further shock.
As they have only been in 12/12 for 4 days there is unlikely to be any bud development just yet and the plant will still grow veagatively for another few days anyway, so on balance I would be tempted to let them be.


Alright, I chopped off the one that is definitely not going to recover, just so that it's not hanging there dead. The burn pretty much seals off the top anyhow. After another check, it looks like the other plant is worse than I thought before, but I won't cut anything for a couple days just so I can watch what happens. + rep to both of you for the help.