Major plant problem over night.


Active Member
Keep the kitty out. Those little fuckers will knaw, paw and claw at your plants, not to mention bring millions of potential contaminents (bugs, fungus spores, etc.)


Active Member
yeah hes not getting in anymore. Im making sure of it. They seem like they will make ith through. the bottom set of leaves on the one he ate and only left 1/2 the leaves left. So that one will hopefully make it. The otherone he just knocked over and looks to be recovering. Ill get some pictures in the morning once they wake up.


Good, I hope they do make it. That's all I was really suggesting, pets drag pest with them. Waiting on the pics.


Well-Known Member
I think a cat might have gotten into them but im not sure. Herese some before and after pics. The before were taken last night before bed. The after were here when i woke up in the morning.

Are they going to recover and what can i do to help them recover?
When my cat ate one of my seedlings the poor baby was MIA. Fred ate it and loved it, little bastard. Now he is OFF LIMITS to there.