major problem!! help


Well-Known Member
i have these nats,not spider mites in my soil..what are they and how do i get rid of them?? and also i have this very faint white on some of my leaves..i wish i had pics..its like you have to move the leaf around to get a good loook at.some angles u can see it, and some angles u cant thats what i mean..plz help


Well-Known Member
You are watering too much. Let the soil dry out and that will kill the larvae. Hang up a few pest strips. They can get out of controll very quickly.


Well-Known Member
I have a few which occasionally show up when it the day to dump mollases. They dont seem to hurt anything. I would not hang up pest strips. I called the 800 number on the strip and they say you dont won't to eat anything which has been confined which those things. If those fumes on food crops aint good for tummys I can't see how they could be good for killer weed smoke in the lungs neither. I would leave them alone..or try the other fellas advice on not keeping it so wet.


Well-Known Member
you can also use tobacco. sprinkle some on top of the soil don't hurt the palnt and bugs hate it.


Well-Known Member
yea prolly gnats from over watering i had this problem but i didnt get rid of them till harvest try letting the soil dry out i know there is some products you can buy for this.. Gnatrol is one kinda expensive but if you got the pockets..:bigjoint: