Major problem, Ph level , plant near gone or not


Active Member
looking after mate plants about 2 months ish old and poured what i thought was plant feed turned out to b vinger baking soda mix, the plants on death door or can they bounce back , gunna flush them now go find a ph level and prayn like a mother fucka!

organic soil and nutes just started bud cycle, besides lush what can i do post pics bud the girls look pretty sick , any help will be great as mate away fro few day yet , wanna get then looking better before he comes back and kills me.

also it ventilation seem pretty poor and am in 30 degree heat most of the time these factor came into to play ????



Well-Known Member
Damn, yeah they look pretty much toast, except for the one on the far right that one looks like it still doing well, that's to bad, and for your mate watch out he's going to be freakin pissed!


Well-Known Member
WOW I think its safe to say they are a lost cause. The one on the right does look ok might want to flush it.


Well-Known Member
those plants are gone..but the one on the far right is still homie cant get to mad do you grow normally


Active Member
it MIGHT be possible to save them, run to the store, and find a the pH up and pH down substance. that should flush it out. ir anything, transplant them to clean soil and wash out the pots really good.

that sucks, but good luck


Well-Known Member
I'm sure he'll understand you made an honest mistake..Just make a grow of your own and pay him back - and make sure you always smoke him up :-o