major sick plant. never seem this before help plz


Well-Known Member
i check three different ways before watering..i use the finger method...i also have a mositure meter..and also pick the bucket up to see how heave it is..i let it dry out to about 3 to 4 inches down before watering far as fox farm nutes i went by there schedule they provided..the advanced nute i used a couple times during the veg stage.."revive"..and general hydroponics were flouranector..flouralisious plus and carbo max which is a carbohydrate soulution. i feed everything other watering..

general hydroponics i used less of than it called for..each gallon of water flouranector i used 1 teaspoon..flouralisious plus 1/2 tablespoon and carbo max a half of the little cup it comes with..

for the response of "zeqqqbs" i did flush it only seem to sllow the process

edit: fox farm nutes i used through the plant life is tiger bloom, big bloom and grow big..i have been using tiger bloom and big bloom for the flowering stages..never made it made to the grow big which the schdule said to do..but i started having this problem so i havent given it anymore nutes thanks


Well-Known Member
I'd start by repoting her in fresh soil with no added ferts by you..

then i would add water only for atleast a week, to heal... then i would add some bloom nutes... but only like 1dl ! and only 1 product... thats me.

hope that helps


Well-Known Member
flush the plants this looks like a nute lockup - after the flush use weaker nutes and also adjust your PH cuz I bet your water PH was too low and that locked the minerals into the plant cells and it is burning them

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
flush the plants this looks like a nute lockup - after the flush use weaker nutes and also adjust your PH cuz I bet your water PH was too low and that locked the minerals into the plant cells and it is burning them
JUST what I was thinking...I burnt one of mine a few weeks ago and its recovered fine after a couple good waters with no nutes - still not as healthy as the other one though (having said that - it was a while ago when I was just starting the's never been the same as the other since then...until then they were identical)


Well-Known Member
Continue to use only water no nutes.

If it gets worse, add 1 tablespoon of epsom salt per gallon for a feeding.

If it gets better from the flush, go back to nutes, but back way off.


Well-Known Member
repot........ new soil !

water, then start adding nutes again...

not going to piost the same thing three times... do it, and you might get a nice plant in a week.... i've had the same problems at m8s house, repottet few days later lookd great, took of all the unhealthy leafs.. voila.


Active Member
Doesn't seem you've got much of a help this time either:(. I have the same problem with one of my 12 girls. It all started from root bound. First it was my most beautiful girl and in less than one week leafs turned brown and dried. Tried washing it with only tap water... nothing. Increased nutes...nothing. Repoted... nothing. Now it's in the 20th flowering day. This means she'll have to survive for 30 more days. It might be the strain also. It's one of the Nirvana Mix seeds so i have no clue what the strain is.
I've seen you've done everything humanly possible. pH normal, humidity normal, lights great, distance from lights excellent, decent soil and best nutes. I belive it's just one from many ladies that got sick, so it can't be something you did but rather genetics.
In my opinion, try to stress her as little as possible, take EXTRA good care of her and talk her into surviving 20 more days.


Well-Known Member
I know you said you already checked this, but did you look at figure 11? Odd resemblance....

well, if you add to much nutes.. thats what happens... you got to flush each week aswell once with water.. prob a nute build up idk. to be honest.. i aint a freak when it comes to nutes...
