This is a GREAT thread... I read somethin like this in a different forum went on foreeeevvver about enzymes and different pondzymes!
From what I learned.. Pondzymes of all different brands are a fantastic alternative to hefty priced hydroponic enzymes such as cannazyme and hygrozyme.. seeing that they have the same ingredients only 66times more concentrated woweeee!
That said.. and pardon my pushing of certain brand name products (thats not forbidden on this forum if I'm correct ? lol)
Instead of the 25 bucks you normally pay for whatever zyme for what a 500ml bottle I think? Treats what is it 80 gallons??
Check out Bio Cozyme... its not AS concentrated as say pondzymes BUT its still many many many times more concentrated than other leading brands. I used 2.5 ml in my two gallon watering can and that's the double strength recommendation
I actually popped in on this thread to talk about how my aero cloner is killing cuttings at a murderous rate! Seems like more people than less here are stating that to get hundred percent success cloning you should use tap water! OK OK lets all keep our pantalonies on..
I'm sayin I like zymes for coir, so far bio cozyme been marvelous to me!!! Plants seem to love it and its supposed to help with N uptake.
Back to tap water, Tap is high in Cal/Mg according to all these city water analysis and world health zombie a-holes ... you know WHO..
My theory is that RO water is pulling nutes out of the cuttings even if you add a balanced ration of say Cal/Mg or a nute solution or what have you... That and the Chlorine!!
I'm sorry but it all makes sense now! My mother (passed her green thumb on to me ) has some kind of popular vine plant with a girls name... anyway, she always has cuttings of it in flower vases.. if that's even proper eengrish?
I was sayin to myself the other day "self... why is it that your mowder can root so successfully when she just dunks them cuttings in a tap water filled clear container??!!"
I responded to myself by sayin....Self.. its probably just the type of plant
well now I think me knows a lil some some PRESHHHHUSSS and I didn't know a few hours ago!
Much love and thanks for the herbifical epiphany!
From what I learned.. Pondzymes of all different brands are a fantastic alternative to hefty priced hydroponic enzymes such as cannazyme and hygrozyme.. seeing that they have the same ingredients only 66times more concentrated woweeee!
That said.. and pardon my pushing of certain brand name products (thats not forbidden on this forum if I'm correct ? lol)
Instead of the 25 bucks you normally pay for whatever zyme for what a 500ml bottle I think? Treats what is it 80 gallons??
Check out Bio Cozyme... its not AS concentrated as say pondzymes BUT its still many many many times more concentrated than other leading brands. I used 2.5 ml in my two gallon watering can and that's the double strength recommendation

I actually popped in on this thread to talk about how my aero cloner is killing cuttings at a murderous rate! Seems like more people than less here are stating that to get hundred percent success cloning you should use tap water! OK OK lets all keep our pantalonies on..
I'm sayin I like zymes for coir, so far bio cozyme been marvelous to me!!! Plants seem to love it and its supposed to help with N uptake.
Back to tap water, Tap is high in Cal/Mg according to all these city water analysis and world health zombie a-holes ... you know WHO..
My theory is that RO water is pulling nutes out of the cuttings even if you add a balanced ration of say Cal/Mg or a nute solution or what have you... That and the Chlorine!!
I'm sorry but it all makes sense now! My mother (passed her green thumb on to me ) has some kind of popular vine plant with a girls name... anyway, she always has cuttings of it in flower vases.. if that's even proper eengrish?
I was sayin to myself the other day "self... why is it that your mowder can root so successfully when she just dunks them cuttings in a tap water filled clear container??!!"
I responded to myself by sayin....Self.. its probably just the type of plant

Much love and thanks for the herbifical epiphany!