make my own seeds or just take clones?


Well-Known Member
I'm just now starting 3 new strains from seeds. I have 3 seeds of each strain. I want to complete multiple cycles with these strains because they were my foremost selections. Also I have all organic amendments in my soil so I hope it's good enough. I have been reading about cloning vs creating seeds and I just wanted input on what other growers think I should do. My plan is to keep the 3 healthiest looking plants (1 of each strain) as mothers and take clones as I need them, but I read that clones don't make their own taproots. So I thought it would be good to also make my own seeds with colloidal silver in case the mothers ever become unhealthy. If any advice can be given to ensure the success of many crops from these select strains I would greatly appreciate it. I am working with a 2x2' veg tent and a 4x2' flower tent and I still consider myself a beginner grower.
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Well-Known Member
Taste and Toke before you decide this

both can be done with ease

take vegging cuts at week 4/5

grow them out as clones

then fert for seeds

you will need a bigger veg tent 4x4 is good

good luck


Well-Known Member
I would think it would be easiest to start a perpetual grow of sorts. Start your plants, veg them, pick the healthiest of the strains and take a couple clones off the ones you pick. Then you veg those clones untill their mother plants are harvested and replace the plants in the flower tent with the clones. Take a second generation of clones from those plants to veg while the new mothers finnish flower. It's a never ending cycle and you can keep the best of the best virtually forever.


Well-Known Member
Dont worry clones put out plenty of side roots. Take clones for awhile and try what you have. No sense in setting up to make seeds if you are not happy with the parents. Making seeds should be left till you are no longer feeling like a rookie. You need to develop an eye for plants. If all you see are buds and not plants. You are not going to be a good breeder. But dont let any of that stop you from chucking pollen if that is what you want to do.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Seed plants seem to grow faster and have more branching but clones do fine too. The nice thing about clones is you know exactly what you are getting. I popped six seeds back in Jan. Two were culled while in solo cups & out of the four in half gallon pots, it looks like two might be male. They are definitely not showing female traits -- but the other two sure are. Maybe the remaining two will be rock stars, but ya never know. I've been hermed before and it totally sucks. Ruins the crop because seeds are worthless (hermie genetics).