*Makin' bacon with kottonmouth*

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
ill get pix about 6pm when its lights on for my flowering girls.they sit in the shed in the cold and darkness while the seedlings and dwc are on 18/6.if i open the cab,well....you know. i just tried to get pix of the flowering ones,but i cant figure out how to get the flash to work on my new camera?.lmao gonna havta have a little kid show me or something.hahahaha


Well-Known Member
You could stop but raise the level of your water line in the res so the bottom of the net pot is in the water. As the water level drops the roots will come down with it.


Well-Known Member
You could stop but raise the level of your water line in the res so the bottom of the net pot is in the water. As the water level drops the roots will come down with it.
I always hear people arguing this point.....I'm the same way though, until my roots are make a stretch for the water, I like to keep it easily accesible as well.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
ok psychild,i got a 30-60.lol mucho mas bubbles. so,when a bunch of roots are hanging,i what? lower water level? im just thinking ahead.im not considering anything....i just feel totally blind here.crazy how much one of the roots is noticeably longer than earlier.duh!right??! lol i THIIIINK she looked alil better when i swapped out the pump.idk,ill see at lights on.i just looked at pix from the 10th of the plps and oh em gee! amazing what they did in last couple weeks!


Well-Known Member
For now I would recommend you have the net pot about 2 inches in the water. After 3 or 4 days it will drop and hopefully the roots will follow. After the root are coming out I would leave your water level just below the net pot! How about some pics of the Bob Brew??? I want to see it. Thanks

Wishing you all here a healthy and Happy New Year 2012!!!! Be safe!



Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
heres some pix! the dwc is scarlet fire(mango x morning star) and the others are my two purple lepews. solid colas,these pix not even close to doing justice.but even in the cold,there just turniing orange.im VERY impressed with the plps.straight up. nice solid,fast forming colas. one is a week ahead of the other,so there 3&4 week flower.


Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
ok,heres my jack, 2 querkle quakes by pysco killers,and 2 grape kushs that are in cups till tomorrow. aaaand,i know i havent said anything,but theres 2 plp clones i took a week or so ago.so far so good.i hate saying im cloning,and really i just fail.there looking positive tho!lmao the jack is confusing me.... shes way further in flower(like 5 weeks+)and has begun to stretch again???? any thots any one? i had a pic of where she stretched from the tops of the colas,but the pic was embarrassing!hahaha
i guess its visable in the pic. she was flipped nov.7th!!! was flower thanks giving time.idk.just like the md wouldnt flower in the cab. btw,is starting to flower outside!!!lmfao she spends day n night outside cuz i cant kill her.lol



Well-Known Member
I dont understand whats going on with your plants....check your timer, check for light leaks cause for your plants to be flowering this long they should be done with there stretch, shit they should be almost done, 8 weeks on monday from Nov 7th....Need to inspect everything. Those PLP are fucking huge!!!!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
if it were light leaks,id be having trouble with the plps. i hear ya tho.something funny.the part that gets me was i had troubles with the md also.the other plant i started at same time with the jack. idk man.im just looking at the new plants.fucket. im just gonna veg everything till outdoor comes back! hahaha ill have 5 footers by april.hahahaha jk

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
i flipped to 12/12 nov.7th,but figure it took cupl weeks to get into gear.before the plps flowered,i was happy with the jack compared to the md!hahaha but now the plps are making everything look stupid.and im not having any of the troubles with the plps?? i have read jack herer can be a 10wk+strain.but still shudnt have started to stretch again.i punched her so hard in the face with bush master! lmao she stretched a week ago.the new stretched growth is flowering.id be pisssed if i was waiting on this for stash!


Well-Known Member
heres some pix! the dwc is scarlet fire(mango x morning star) and the others are my two purple lepews. solid colas,these pix not even close to doing justice.but even in the cold,there just turniing orange.im VERY impressed with the plps.straight up. nice solid,fast forming colas. one is a week ahead of the other,so there 3&4 week flower.
Not sure if your in it to get these babies out quick....if you are, ignore what I'm about to say. √

Feel free to trim those roots up! I'm not sure how anal you are about everything looking pretty, but it bothers the piss out of me. I can not stand to have one 5ft long root mass, I'd rather have a 1sqft root ball, where they're all evenly spread. If I get some roots taking off and outgrowing the rest, then I like to trim it so the others can catch up. Keep in mind you might get a little bit of clear "slime" on your roots, but it's ok, it's just your plants healing mech. Take care of your res temps, and aerate it good enough, and you have nothing to worry about √