Making a Bit of Money on My Purple Kush


Well-Known Member
Ahhhhhahahahaha ... RESPECT man. They respect what they expect, otherwise, what they expect, right? Respect. I don't give for free. Respect. Dolla dolla bill. Respect. Homey, I earn and earn. Yeah. Respect. And cuz they pay for it and respect it, it's good weed and makes it tastes better. That don't make any fuckin sense. But respect it! Dis is da respect remix, what? What? Respect!

I'm so glad I saw this forum. Really cracked me up. The problem with your posts tho homes, is that you don't even have to be a member to view this stuff. It's posted publicly. It would be very easy for a cop, dea agent, or other form of law enforcement jump on this site, read you aren't a medical patient and are illegally growing/selling, and start looking into you for criminal activity. Idk what kinda hood you come from, but where I come from people get respect for keeping their mouthes shut, not bragging about illegal shit where it's publicly posted. Use some more sense, or you'll be respecting your cell mates bung hole instead of your purps. Ya dig? Can ya RESPECT that? It's for your own good. I'm out.
ahahaha respeck!


Well-Known Member
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So, I'm smokin some and dealing the rest out through my parner who has been smoken with the sales! We go 50 50 because each of us takes an equal risk.
wtf you need a partner for, do it yourself and take ALL the profit .. Kinda eliminates the point of even growin it yourself.. unless your growin more than you can sell which i highly doubt... shiiiiit thats how you do business!


Active Member
I'll be sellin off my entire first grow man, and every grow after that. I've got a 6 Widow Scrog goin, plants are week 3 from seed in Veg. I don't even smoke weed. I'm growing for the $$$$$$ =) So more power to ya man, keep up the good work!

Hahaha that's what's up bruhh! Do it for the moneyyyy and nothing above it. Shit. I would try selling bud, but I'd smoke my whole supply. With my grow, I'll prob smoke my whole 12 weeks waiting goodbye in like a day! Lol


Well-Known Member
Holy shit, I can't believe how funny that was. I feel like it had to be scripted... or at least high.

Its just so painfully funny to watch. I don't want to make fun of the guy, but now I can't stop picturing him in my head saying "I'm 50 Tyson" struggling to count while talking.
No shit, this was funny as hell. I'm a white guy and couldn't freestyle if my life depended on it and therefore I don't post videos of myself trying to on youtube. This cat should follow my lead.

I also don't discuss where or how I dispose of my crop, except to admit that I smoke. I also understand I have rights and that includes the right not to give law enforcement any additional evidence that they need to convict me of a crime or more importantly, give them a reason to open an investigation in the first place.


Active Member
mindphuk , I hear ya. I think you believe saying too much in here will alert the cops to something. But lets face it dude, we are in a Marijuana forum. If the cops haven't noticed by now, your pretty fucking safe. You know what I mean? Growing weed is just as illegal as selling weed. Ever heard of intent to SELL? They slap that on you when they find your TEN plants growing.

So buddy, even if you are not advertising that you are selling, you ARE advertising that you are growing. And that would get you an intent to sell conviction if this place got you busted.

So guess what? We are all breaking the law. Stop calling the KETTLE black dude.


Active Member
autoflowa, I'm a closet smoker. Wife don't know a thing. So I just can't enter the SELLING business. It takes knowing and always calling too many people. So I grow and my friend sells it for me. This way my life is simple and almost risk free and I still make good money. I just grow more plants then if I were to sell them my self. It evens out and is worth it for me.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Weed4Cash why are you making such a big fuss about people telling you to be careful? Posting exact details of your business on a public internet forum is just dumb plain and simple! Nobody is ripping on you for growing, just for bragging about selling, keep in mind if your ever busted your post's would be all they need to prove that your plant's wernt personal.


Active Member
that's what it is all about... if you like doing it, keep doing it... grow a conscience? then stop... easy easy... and don't worry too much about what people say, the odds of you meeting or otherwise interacting with them irl is so small as to be nonextant in reality... people talk trash cause they've got nothing better to do... but i wouldn't tell people where you are from and brag on selling either... good luck, and post those pix!