I made two batches of tincture for the first time yesterday. I read a variety of techniques and opinions (and are there a lot of them!), and this is what I did:
-chopped up my bud in my cuisinart
-decarbed it
-put it into a mason jar
-poured Everclear 181 over the top of it, covering it plus 1/2 inch over top
-stored in my closet to do its thing
Additional notes:
-There was tons o' kief clinging inside Cuisinart, so I scraped that as clean as I could - waste not want not.

-I read that if you were using fresh bud that the tincture would be stronger, so instead of 1/4" Everclear over top
of leaf/bud, I poured 1/2" . I will find out if this was a good idea in a few weeks.
-I scraped "a little" of the kief into each jar before adding the Everclear.
-One Jar was made w/ Agent Orange, the other Blueberry.
I can hardly wait until it's done!