Making america green again, 3 weeks at a rip. Perpetual

Thank you also not just for this but making me feel welcomed since I joined,you and firstcav. Growing budz with your buds!Also My new bud cannabiscrusader got me thru this winter. All you guys in blaze n daze been a lifeline
Nonsense, you grace us with your optimism and encouragement. We've all been there buddy. I've been laid off many a winter. Also you seem to be the type that would be the one giving if our current situations were flipped. Plus everyone should be able to decide for him or herself when their plants get Chopped. That shit grinds my gears like a mofo
I was gone from here for a few years and thought long and hard about coming back. It really was a different place then, kind of mean and stabby, but when I decided to start growing again I came here looking for old pals and mostly made new ones. Now we're giving back and lifting up and community is foregrounded always. The community journals arose out of a conversation about how lonely it can be to be a grower and journals here can make that isolation worse and you don't always get good feedback and it's often random. I'm pretty interested in expanding those and possibly getting beans into the hands of novices as well as experienced growers. But I ramble!
Nonsense, you grace us with your optimism and encouragement. We've all been there buddy. I've been laid off many a winter. Also you seem to be the type that would be the one giving if our current situations were flipped. Plus everyone should be able to decide for him or herself when their plants get Chopped. That shit grinds my gears like a mofo
You are 199 percent right I would. I've been thinking about that jerk he's not bad to landscape for but the whole weed situation is you know. I've been working with him for Going on 16 years never not once took or called out sick. Never asked for a raise for 5 or more years and asked a couple years ago for a extra 20 a day and he had a fit would only do 10. It's just me and can smoke when I want nobody but him telling what to do not even that because I know whats got to get done. The home owner you know I talked about her said to him it's time to start grooming me to take over things. I hear this from housecleaner he called her drunk all freaking out. Little rambling on my bad;)
I was gone from here for a few years and thought long and hard about coming back. It really was a different place then, kind of mean and stabby, but when I decided to start growing again I came here looking for old pals and mostly made new ones. Now we're giving back and lifting up and community is foregrounded always. The community journals arose out of a conversation about how lonely it can be to be a grower and journals here can make that isolation worse and you don't always get good feedback and it's often random. I'm pretty interested in expanding those and possibly getting beans into the hands of novices as well as experienced growers. But I ramble!
No rambling love knowing, I just felt blessed to even stumble on here there's so many others you know like THCfarmer and such don't need to go anywhere else. Totally understand what you mean. Haven't been here long enough to know to many but a few and ones I am starting to know are all great people of course a couple jerks I encountered here but didn't bicker just left the thread. Guy was just rude somebody asking for a bug identification I said I really think it's a aphid I'm a landscaper I know bugs for the most part. He's like I bet you do its not plus correcting my spelling and things just left.
I was gone from here for a few years and thought long and hard about coming back. It really was a different place then, kind of mean and stabby, but when I decided to start growing again I came here looking for old pals and mostly made new ones. Now we're giving back and lifting up and community is foregrounded always. The community journals arose out of a conversation about how lonely it can be to be a grower and journals here can make that isolation worse and you don't always get good feedback and it's often random. I'm pretty interested in expanding those and possibly getting beans into the hands of novices as well as experienced growers. But I ramble!
I had a similar experience here back in the day. Couple good eggs wanting to help, amongst most tearing me down and telling me to close up shop. It wasn't even a bad grow. But things have done a 180 since I came back last year.

I'd love to do a chernobyl and red eye jedi cross. Try to get them to f5 or 6 and pass them out for a community grow. Making beans is way too much fun! Got the pollen, and my Chunky chernobyl keeper is in the clone dome.
Nonsense, you grace us with your optimism and encouragement. We've all been there buddy. I've been laid off many a winter. Also you seem to be the type that would be the one giving if our current situations were flipped. Plus everyone should be able to decide for him or herself when their plants get Chopped. That shit grinds my gears like a mofo
Oh buddy don't lace the skates up,just had me thinking cause mentioned plant chopping. So I would water them when he go off few days in summer with wife for a little vacay and definitely probably would of died or severely stressed if I didn't they were dry AF when I did. Yes technically they are his but everything I do and what he pays me is another thread. So he does this every year past five or so chops after drying then takes all the tops throws in five gallon buckets to bring home and trim etc. gives me scrap's popcorn stuff and I dry that in my room. So I go when you come back from your vacation to Aruba can I do some stuff to work off a zip. He's like we'll talk when I get back. We ended up having a storm that week and at lunch break goes here you go I got ya a half. I flipped out I said to help out with things not everyday work and a half zip isn't right. He's like your crazy that means I'm giving you a ounce for a 100. I go when TJ was working you just threw him like 3 or 4 ounces for free says no I would never do that. TJ was told by him to not say anything to anyone about him growing this was 20 years ago. TJ never had more than a dime bag on him so him humping his giant bag of buds and breaking the bag wide open all over his living room isn't something anyone forgets. That's the greedy bastard I work for.
Oh buddy don't lace the skates up,just had me thinking cause mentioned plant chopping. So I would water them when he go off few days in summer with wife for a little vacay and definitely probably would of died or severely stressed if I didn't they were dry AF when I did. Yes technically they are his but everything I do and what he pays me is another thread. So he does this every year past five or so chops after drying then takes all the tops throws in five gallon buckets to bring home and trim etc. gives me scrap's popcorn stuff and I dry that in my room. So I go when you come back from your vacation to Aruba can I do some stuff to work off a zip. He's like we'll talk when I get back. We ended up having a storm that week and at lunch break goes here you go I got ya a half. I flipped out I said to help out with things not everyday work and a half zip isn't right. He's like your crazy that means I'm giving you a ounce for a 100. I go when TJ was working you just threw him like 3 or 4 ounces for free says no I would never do that. TJ was told by him to not say anything to anyone about him growing this was 20 years ago. TJ never had more than a dime bag on him so him humping his giant bag of buds and breaking the bag wide open all over his living room isn't something anyone forgets. That's the greedy bastard I work for.