Making Bubble Hash


Active Member
When I make my hash I am obviouslly doing something wrong. Instead of it coming out a dark color and soft it is a very light green color and very dry (powdery, if you will). Its basiclly a powder and when I press it, that does absolutely nothing. I just get a green pill that is hard has a rock and will just crumble apart. What am i doing wrong?

Mr. Krinkle

Well-Known Member
well south of the equator, it comes out green - north it comes out brown

hey did you know the toilet water turns the opposite direction when flushing depending on what side of the equator you're on?????

that's crazy...

ok so are you talking about before your hash cures? tell me exactly everything you're doing....


Well-Known Member
"did you know the toilet water turns the opposite direction when flushing depending on what side of the equator you're on?????"
Called the Corrialis Effect.

Your powder, I call it dust, should be a lot more yellow than green. Too much green means you have too much
extraneous plant material in your "juice". You may have mixed the solution too long. If you strain your juice
thru a smallish screen, 80-120 microns?, it should be more yellow like you want it.

My dust is so fine after I chop it up with a razor blade that it can fall right thru the screen on my pipe. So, I pack a bowl
as usual and sprinkle a tiny bit of dust on top of the bowl. My dust is very expansive when smoked and vastly increases
the buzz.

Good luck, BigSteve.

PS FYI - I spread out 2-3 ounces of juice on a 16 x 16-inch flat glass plate and leave under a fan overnight. Using a
single-sided razor blade I scrape up the dried juice, chop into dust form and put it into an antique sterling silver salt
shaker. The shaker's head is just smaller than the diameter of my bowl which allows for precision "dusting". I get
30-50 hash hits for every plate scraped.


Well-Known Member
Gooey, dark hash is usually not as good as full melt bubble hash. It sounds like you are making hash from unfrozen, or dry trim. Don't use fan leaves.

Start by freezing your trim wet, then stir by hand or get a bubble machine and set it for 3-6 minutes at most.

My bubble is different colors depending on the trim. All of it melts if you put a flame near it. It smells like flowers. When I hit it with my Hakko soldering iron it is amazing.