Making cannabis oil with a glass dome vaporizer


Well-Known Member

I just started making some now trying this method, and it's pretty awesome. The vaporizer is model VP-500 and only costs like 30$:-P The true medicine:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hi, Shona - is that the residue from smoking or did you just let it burn to get more residue?

Thanks for posting!


Well-Known Member
I'm not actually shona the girl in the video i am actually a guy i just came across that video. But yes the point of it is to be able to make oil when you only have access to small amounts of bud. I don't know how good the quality of the oil is but it's a cheap little method that i thought was worth a shot.


Well-Known Member
I guess you scrape the oil after just burning rather than vaping. Correct me if I'm wrong ...

I was thinking about trying it but the vape gets such bad reviews on Amazon that I'll look for something else.


Well-Known Member
Did u watch the video? It is a vaporizer and the port for the tube that you use to inhale it taped off so all of the vapor just collects on the glass dome. I guess if you want to call it resin ok but i still see it as a form of making oil in small amounts. This is just pretty much for someone who wants to make oil but doesn't have much bud to use to go about doing a normal extraction.


Well-Known Member
i watched the video, then laughed for about 5min.

do it right or go home. it costs 8$ for the materials to do it properly.


Well-Known Member
yes but as stated it's for people who only have small amount of bud at a time....why is that so bad? lol


Well-Known Member
oh ok well forgive my ignorance lol i really don't know how to make oil with a small amount. What method would you recommend?


Well-Known Member
oh ok well forgive my ignorance lol i really don't know how to make oil with a small amount. What method would you recommend?
alcohol has a decent return, butane would be a definite no no. the best way to get a lot from a little is dry ice hash, not the purist, but will do the job and "cleaner" than smoking bud i guess..... personally i only smoke bud and add a little iso, oil to the buds when i want to sleep.

and oakley is right that videa is laughable you are basically wasting your product by heating it up to a temp where it becomes vapor. the residue you see is no longer THC but mostly cannabinoids and other sleepy deoxycarbo what ever the fuck its called, junk, that is not good medicine.