making Colloidal Silver question


Active Member
in the tuts ive come across for making your own they usually say 'use pure silver or it will be toxic' but they are usually talking about ingesting it. would it be bad to use sterling silver to make some CS for use on the plants? or would that not work out so good?


Well-Known Member
I use 2 Silver Quarters, not pure Silver.
It works.
Yes, the other metals that leach out are toxic. But, you not making this for Human consumption.
Once, you collect or use the pollen. Your going to trash the plant.
I let my Solution go for 24 hours minimum. The other metals and crap falls to the bottom. Pour off the top and trash the rest.
I'm sure you can use Sterling Silver.


Active Member
i have four strains, thats 40+ dollars if i cant find a free shipping option.. i think ill make it.

thanks ringsixty, thats what i wanted to hear!


Well-Known Member
It doesn't need to be pure. Think about it this way, if you're aiming for a 50ppm solution and you have 90% silver you're going to have 5ppm of impurities. If you spray 2L of the stuff on a plant over the course of reversing it that's only 10mg and it's probably something like nickel or copper which the plant actually uses. It's not like the 10% is plutonium or something.


Well-Known Member
dont cheap out on the quality of materials man. follow what the guides say and use pure silver. i bought 2-- 1 gram pieces for less than 12$ if i remember correctly and made over 2 liters of 30ppm CS with plenty more to be made from the silver pieces.


Active Member
i was just wondering really. i will most likely go with pure .999 silver, however if we cannot afford it or something i have some silver quarters that i have double dates/mint marks on that i COULD use if i need too. because sometimes 12 dollars is food for a week ;)


Well-Known Member
buy one of the pieces and break it in half. if you skip on shit, it may not work on certain strains, maybe lol


Well-Known Member
so are any of yall professionals at making colloidal silver?... didnt think so.... how many are professionals at growing pot... rhetorical question....

how many times have yall done something once and it turned out perfect?....
what makes yall think it will be perfect when you make this solution?.....

why not stop being cheap asses and spend the money on a proven product then taking a short cut and making your own?

short cuts.... thats what separates the people that actually doing something in this industry and the ones that's just float.....


Well-Known Member
How do you regulate or test the dosage on a homebrew?
with a calibrated ppm meter. you stick it in the water every couple hours and wait until it says 30ppm

but honestly man. if you are tight on a budget where this cuts into food bills then i would say you shouldnt be even thinking about growing. i thought i could do everything the cheap way and it only cost me more money on useless shit + what i had to pay to get premium things that will last and are reliable. whether its a good quality ppm meter or pure silver, i wouldnt get into this realm without a legit amount of cash dedicated to this.


Well-Known Member
so are any of yall professionals at making colloidal silver?... didnt think so.... how many are professionals at growing pot... rhetorical question....

how many times have yall done something once and it turned out perfect?....
what makes yall think it will be perfect when you make this solution?.....

why not stop being cheap asses and spend the money on a proven product then taking a short cut and making your own?

short cuts.... thats what separates the people that actually doing something in this industry and the ones that's just float.....
no offense but any mentally retarded person could make "professional colloidal silver." you attach a piece of metal and stick it in water while its connected to a battery and wait for a meter to say 30ppm. go ahead and spend 60$ everytime you want to make seeds. ill use my 15 dollar investment for the next few years.


Well-Known Member
no offense but any mentally retarded person could make "professional colloidal silver." you attach a piece of metal and stick it in water while its connected to a battery and wait for a meter to say 30ppm. go ahead and spend 60$ everytime you want to make seeds. ill use my 15 dollar investment for the next few years.
and no offense do you grow to put food in your mouth???

i do its not worth risking my lively hood on a whim that i will make this stuff right

once again quit being cheap asses and just buy the shit...


Well-Known Member
with a calibrated ppm meter. you stick it in the water every couple hours and wait until it says 30ppm

but honestly man. if you are tight on a budget where this cuts into food bills then i would say you shouldnt be even thinking about growing. i thought i could do everything the cheap way and it only cost me more money on useless shit + what i had to pay to get premium things that will last and are reliable. whether its a good quality ppm meter or pure silver, i wouldnt get into this realm without a legit amount of cash dedicated to this.
Though I see where you're coming from, many people just dont have the money to do it right and buy all the stuff you need. I can't afford do do anything really, but I do anyhow. You just have to be determined and creative. Guns are expensive, but I like to shoot, so I have to reload. Pot is expensive, so I grow my own. It's either that or I'd have to quit.


Well-Known Member
I was looking for silver to buy on eBay/Amazon, and instead bought a whole damned kit:

...along with this TDS meter to measure PPM:

Goal is to hit ~40 PPM.

I use CS for health reasons and for one bottle of quality CS, you can buy both items above.



Well-Known Member
Though I see where you're coming from, many people just dont have the money to do it right and buy all the stuff you need. I can't afford do do anything really, but I do anyhow. You just have to be determined and creative. Guns are expensive, but I like to shoot, so I have to reload. Pot is expensive, so I grow my own. It's either that or I'd have to quit.
Prodigal... a single (preferably 3) 9 volt batteries, soldered or otherwise clamped by wire to two pieces of silver (real silver american quarters work well) hanging in a glass of distilled water for a few hours will work just dandy. I have a chart somewhere that tells you how long to keep in the solution to get a desired PPM.

I'll make a note for myself to find my chart later and will PM you.
